Ban the use of fireworks

I know this has all been done before by others and still our animals suffer which is really upsetting. I have never spoken up for anything or asked people to help me in something that might just go unnoticed but I have to try now Angel is 9 and already has a heart condition so I will try but I need your help please.

We know fireworks are so harmful to  animals, we see posts and videos around Halloween and New Year's Eve every year but the past few years it's been a weekly thing Not knowing when or what night is really upsetting me to the point of tears and I feel so much sadness for all the animals that shake, vomit,hide in dangerous places and now for Angel it's developed into knawning at her paws and tummy.

I also know the Guards have a number we can ring but I doubt 1 or 2 calls will get them to go and look,but maybe with more people reporting it will help them look and take it as seriously as any other call for help. So I am asking you all to ring the number below as soon as you hear one because as we know it's never just the one.I know it's hard to actually say where they are being set off but here in the Northside I can only guess so please ring this number 1800 666 111 immediately and try to give them a rough idea of where you think they are being set off

The average adult human cannot hear sounds above 20,000 Hertz (Hz), although young children can hear higher. Dogs, on the other hand, can hear sounds as high as 47,000 to 65,000 Hz. These are sounds far too high-pitched for us. At high frequencies, dogs can also detect much softer sounds than we can.
Screenshot_20241020_205918_Facebook.jpg up for our loyal companions 🐾  Thanks everyone.

Ban fireworks for the sake of our pets and all animals.    Contact the author of the petition

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