Ban social media images of animals killed for recreation.

It may not be illegal to kill animals for sport, but it is morally indefensible. Images of animals slaughtered for personal gratification, typically displayed with their proud and smiling killers, are a vile form of pornography that can be found on social media, including Facebook and Twitter. We, the undersigned, regard such images as distasteful and offensive, and we call for social media sites to ban their publication.  (Please share this petition with your friends on social media.) 

You can share this petition on Facebook, without posting the shocking dead zebra image to your timeline, by following the instructions on this link:   

Ban social media images of animals killed for recreation. 

Those who have the stomach for it can see more of Rebecca Francis and her slaughtered 'friends' by following these links. Please be warned, the images are extremely unpleasant.