Save Cowes Primary School from closure

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How to get involved! Message from Cowes Primary school governors

2024-09-14 14:19:01

Dear Parents, Carers and supporters!

We’re sure you will have heard by now the news that the IW Cabinet provided approval to commence with the place planning proposals, which names Cowes Primary for closure next September 2025. The proposal will now go to a consultation phase next week, whereby the public can share thoughts, ideas and concerns about the Place Planning Proposal. Below is the time frame for the way ahead: ·      12 September Report to Cabinet·         Cabinet provided approval to commence the consultation process.·      20 September – 1 November - 6 week statutory public consultation - stage 1·         Public have the opportunity to comment on the report. 4 weeks of the consultation is during school term-time.·      12 December Report to Cabinet·         Report will note the outcomes of consultation and seek authority to commence stage 2 of the statutory consultation process and publish final closure notices.·         January 2025·         4 week statutory public consultation - stage 2·         Public have the opportunity to comment on the report. 4 weeks of the consultation is during school term-time.·      Feb/March 2025 - Report to Cabinet·         Report will define implementation of closures by 31 August 2025 and SEND Expansion plans by December 2025. The consultation is there to hear us out and to engage with the whole school community to ensure the best outcome for the Island’s schools and everyone in them. The council are duty bound to consider all our ideas and concerns and support the school communities through any changes that may take place. We urge you all to formalise your views, concerns and thoughts through this consultation process. If you would like to contribute, you can send your thoughts to before the 1st November as per the timeline above. Please also copy in cowes.consultation@outlook.comThis email address has been set up by one of our parents Kathryn, who has kindly agreed to collate all our contributions in one place. The drop in session that had been planned by the school for next Thursday has now been postponed awaiting a date from the local authority to attend.  The meeting organised by the Save Cowes Primary School Facebook group, will be onMonday 16th September at 6pm at the school.Please come and join us for a discussion of ideas and thoughts, so that we can work together to ensuring that the Cowes Primary school community give the best response possible. Please be there, be vocal, be involved! I’m sure you will join us in expressing our gratitude and support to all the staff and the senior leadership team at Cowes Primary who do an amazing job and make the school the fantastic place that it is. We cannot do this without you. We look forward to seeing you there,  Katie and Sandra  Cowes Primary School, Edinburgh Close, Cowes, PO31 8HFT:     01983 293261E: 

Craig Gillam

Isle of Wight council confirm consultation to begin!

2024-09-12 20:45:38

Breaking news! The IoW council have now decided to proceed with the consultation period.

Details of the consultation are below

- Following this vote there will be a one week cooling off period between 12th and the 19th September and if the vote passes consultation will run from the 20th.
- The consultation will last 6 weeks
- The point of the consultation is for the public (parents, teachers and other community members) to provide feedback about the proposal in the document
- It was recommended that we as individuals don’t just sign a petition but write in letter to the council as this will provide better feedback for the consultation process
- Information on how to provide feedback for the consultation will be provided on the 20th September
- Once the 6 week period of consultation has been completed, the information submitted will be considered and then the proposal redrafted, voted on again and come back out for a second round of consultation.
- We wont formally know the outcome of the final proposal until February 2025 with the plan to take place in September 2025
We need your support from now and throughout the counsilatipn period more than ever!
This is the future of our children, grandchildren, nieces , Nephew, family, friends and to be honest the heart of the Cowes Community.
This petition is great but now we need to act individually (details to come) but as a group. 

I really appreciate your help and support so far!

Craig Gillam

Meeting to discuss Cowes Primary School future and the consultation!

2024-09-07 19:52:14

Good evening all,

I hope you're having a good weekend.

I would like to encourage as many of you to attend the council cabinet meeting where the proposal to close Cowes and the other island schools is being proposed (details in the link below) we need to show support with our actions and presence.

I also encourage you to email the following contact by the 10th of September with questions for them to be considered during the cabinet meeting.

Venue: Council Chamber, County Hall, Newport, Isle of WIght

Contact: Sarah MacDonald  Email:

Have a great weekend!


Craig Gillam

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