We demand a People Centered Government and a People Driven Development

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We demand a People Centered Government and a People Driven Development

2024-07-24 17:05:06

I am thanking all those proudly citizens who signed and supported this Petition.  Whilst we were still canvassing for more signatures,  the National Treasury Department responded to our Petition we wrote earlier to both MECs for Cogta (Hon. Williams ) and Finance (Hon. Mvoko).

The response from National Treasury sees nothing irregular and unconstitutional on the part of Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality and cited among other things which we view them as an embarrassment on their part that we must adhere to Fourth Industrial Revolution. 

We are studying the response with our firm position that we need to approach courts. We believe that we are on the right side of the law.

Once again we appreciate your support. Let us continue fighting for our rights. Through the Daily Dispatch we responded very clear in terms of Section 152 of the Constitution of the Republic and Municipal Systems Act.

Mzwandile Vaaiboom on behalf of ISANCO (Independent South African National Civic Organisation)

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