Facilities Concerns at Leonard R. Flynn Elementary School

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2024-05-28 01:49:57
Hello all,


As we come to the end of the Flynn school year, we wanted to give you all an update on the impact our petition has had with the SFUSD. In short, we cut through the noise and got some real, meaningful attention paid to our concerns as a community. While there remains a long road ahead of us, we are optimistic that we can turn this attention into sustained momentum and continue to push the SFUSD to invest fully in the facilities that our children, educators, and community members deserve.


THANK YOU. This couldn't have happened without you. If you have any questions or would like to get more involved as we continue to work on the school facilities, please don't hesitate to let us know.



- Zach, Joy, Autumn, Monica, Anne, Gen (and a whole bunch of others...)


Additional details below:




On Tuesday, May 14th, in response to our petition and at the behest of the superintendent, we hosted a visit by Cadi Poile, the Executive Director of Facilities Services, along with a half-dozen other representatives from custodial, building and grounds, the bond department, and Ferdinand Vergeire, the Project Manager for the summer improvement work. After their visit, they committed to the following actions [quoting Cadi Poile]:


"Immediate action items for Facilities:

  1. Repair lights on second and third third floor hallways, first floor restrooms (5/31/24)
  2. Deep clean all restrooms: pressure wash walls and floors, remove spit balls from ceiling, remove graffiti (5/24/24)
  3. Repair, replace dispensers in all restrooms: remove old dispensers, add menstrual product dispensers in at least one restroom (5/31/24)
  4. Investigate and confirm operation of ventilation in SNS kitchen (5/31/24)
  5. Schedule industrial hygienist to investigate moisture conditions in the cafetorium (5/24/24)

Longer term action items for Facilities:

  1. Determine source of leak and scope repair for cafetorium (Work will need to happen when students are not present). (Summer 2024)
  2. Develop scope of work for school yard improvements including grading, drainage and turf field. (Fall 2024)
  3. Assess the functionality of classroom phones and review the communications protocols in the school site safety plan. (Summer 2024)
  4. Work with the neighbor to address the joint fence (TBD)
  5. Collaborate with Public Works for future beautification workdays (Summer 2024)"

We have also engaged with Matt Alexander, the Vice President of the SFUSD, who has committed to help us continue to navigate the system going forward, particularly as we dig into the upcoming bond measure on this year's ballot to see what can be done to continue to invest in the Flynn grounds and building.


If you're interested in getting more involved, please get in touch!

Zachary Kruth - PTA Member

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