Petition for the protection of Lake Manitou /Pétition pour la protection du lac Manitou

Contact the author of the petition

Urgent - feedback to Transport Canada required prior to February 6 2023

2023-01-16 01:34:52

Dear Lake Manitou community, Transport Canada has invited feedback from individuals on proposed improvements to navigation restrictions before February 6.  While your petition, delivered to Ivry Council in March 2022 has not yet received a formal response, we have an opportunity to do more to encourage a positive outcome: Transport Canada has recognized the safety concerns and environmental impacts of  wake boats and excessive boat horse power.   They are considering revising the application process to providing municipalities with regulatory options to:   1) limit engine power; and   2) restrict Wake Surfing to certain areas and times of day including complete prohibition.     (visit the  following link to learn more Vessel Operation Restriction Regulations (2021 submission)

We encourage you to email, and hope you will submit the following message which is in alignment with the petition you signed:  

"Transport Canada, we applaud your efforts to allow municipalities to limit horsepower and to separate the rules for wake surfing in a different Schedule, allowing local authorities to limit wake surfing to specific days and/or times of day. These changes are long over-due, as many rural municipalities are suffering pronounced social and environmental disruption caused by excessively large wakes. We urge Transport Canada to define the category more broadly, in terms of “wake sporting” activities, to include both wake boarding and wake surfing, since potentially significant negative impacts to public safety and the environment result from the large wakes caused by both of these activities. Wake boarding should not be grouped with other towing activities, because like wake surfing, it also relies upon large wakes. Further, the rules should allow local authorities to limit wake sporting activities to no less than 300 metres from the shore and 6 metres deep in order to relieve each municipality from the expensive, time-consuming reports Transport Canada requires providing scientific evidence that is already well established.  

Relevant Studies supporting the recommendations.   The Vermont petition refers to "wakesporting" which appropriately groups wake surfing and wake boarding together:  

The Laval studies for Lac Noir and Lac des Sables/Lac Masson show similar impacts on sediment disturbance:  

The Mercier-Blais study recommends a 300m setback for both wake surfing and boarding:



Concerned Citizen of Ivry-sur-le-lac.

citoyens d'Ivry

Mise à jour concernant la pétition pour la protection du lac Manitou

2022-04-09 13:53:57

Chers/chères cosignataires,  

Le Conseil municipal a bien reçu notre pétition le 23 mars 2022. La réunion du conseil aura lieu lundi prochain, le 11 avril à 19:30.

La réunion est ouverte au public. Ce sera possible de poser des questions à la fin de la réunion. 

Venez vous joindre à nous. C'est une excellente occasion pour discuter les prochaines étapes. 


Séance du conseil 11 avril 2022...
Le Conseil municipal tiendra une séance ordinaire, qui aura lieu en présentielle et par visioconférence, lundi le 11 avril à 19h30. Les citoyens qui désirent assister à cette assemblée peuvent se présenter à l'hôtel de ville, le nombre de places est limité et le port du masque est obligatoire durant toute la séance:
Lien pour consulter l'avis public : 

Lien pour participer à la séance : 


Dear fellow petition signatories,

Council received the petition March 23 2022. The next meeting is on Monday, April 11 at 19:30.

This meeting is open to the public. Questions will be taken at the end of the meeting.

Please join us - it is a good oppotunity to discuss  next steps



citoyens d'Ivry

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