Breathe Life into Changes you want to see for our Children and Community

Contact the author of the petition

Great Job Everyone!

2020-02-22 20:54:16

Thank you for all of your support! 

Tionna Morales

Revision of Petition. Please Read updates

2020-02-15 15:11:43


    • Good Morning and Great job to all who participated in supporting our petition pertaining to changes that need to be made surrounding our childrens schools. We are not through yet, we have hit a few snags pertaining to previous surveys being denied here at our location. Please let's pull together and reach out to as many people as possible to reach or exceed our goal of 150 signatures. Let's not be overlooked on this matter when we are all aware of the concerns being valid. Let's continue to stand strong for our children and overall everyone's best interest on safety. Please review the revised petition that indicates where we may be denied and why we believe we should not because we cross at these crosswalks, we wait at these corners in which drivers have no indication to stop or slow down, we notice signs that go unnoticed, we are the individuals who saftey is at risk. I've extended the petition until March 1, 2020


Tionna Morales

Great Job Everyone!

2020-01-22 14:06:12

Great job everyone! We've received over 50 signatures of individuals who are showing their support towards making our streets safer for our children and Community. Let's continue to push forward towards our goal of 150 signatures. Thank you for your support

Tionna Morales

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