We urge the government to intervene and provide emergency relief and support to farmers in Kwa Mthethwa and surrounding areas affected by the devastating drought.



Petition to Address the Devastating Drought in Kwa-Mtheathwa and Surrounding Areas  

To: The Honourable Minister of Agriculture /Water Resources and Disaster management. 

Goal: We urge the government to intervene and provide emergency relief and support to farmers in Kwa Mthethwa and surrounding areas affected by the devastating drought.

Introduction: We, the undersigned, represent the farmers, families, and communities affected by the devastating drought in Kwa Mthethwa and surrounding areas. We come together to urge the government to take immediate action to address this crisis.  

The Issue: The drought has resulted in: - Significant livestock deaths - Crop failures - Economic losses Leaving farmers and their communities in a state of crisis.  

The Request: We respectfully request that your office provides emergency relief and support to the affected farmers, including:

- Water supply and infrastructure development

- Feed support and livestock vaccination programs

- Financial assistance to offset losses

Timeline: We urge you to act swiftly to address this crisis. We request a response within 30 days of receiving this petition, outlining the actions your office will take to address the drought's impact.                                        


We ask that you sign this petition to show your support for the farmers affected by the drought.  


masibuyele emasisweni farmers organization (NPO)    Contact the author of the petition

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