Tiered license system for driving premium and superbikes

Bharat is growing and so is the purchasing capacity of people of Bharat. One segment which has benefitted from it is premium motorcycle segment. There are two wheelers in our country costing up to 60-70 lac of rupees. What is strange is that a young child barely legal can drive a 1300cc, 200bhp machine that is capable of doing 0-100 in just 2.5 seconds on the same license that enables him to drive a 100cc commuter bike. Driving a Superbike in India does not legally require any training or maturity. We have all recently seen what such powerful machines can do to general public on road. 

In this petition, I request government to create a tiered system for licenses which can enable a rider/driver to develop skillset and control before they can handle such powerful machines.

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Roar Moto (Prashant)    Contact the author of the petition

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