Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



I want all of those responsible for crimes against humanity with COVID to be held accountable

Bruce Blaha (Lake jackson, 2021-12-31)


The coercion and forced mandates for masking and shots and testing violates the Nuremburg Code.

Heather Kubinski (Schaumburg, 2021-12-31)



Chandan Arora (Budaun, 2021-12-31)


The people responsible for the atrocities against humanity should be held accountable. Their actions have caused irreparable damages to children and lives.

Amanda Rider (Ellenburg Depot, 2021-12-31)


There have been crimes committed against humanity and those responsible must face criminal prosecution or humanity will no longer exist.

Kendra Sandford (Bath, 2021-12-31)


A German attorney, Reiner Fuellmich, is pursuing a similar legal action in the International Court.

Michael Weber (Albuquerque , 2021-12-31)


I'm signing because it's unfathomable how this COVID stuff is unfolding. Ohio's ONLY PUSHES THE VACCINE they offer absolutely no early treat protocols or physician list of those willing to perform early treatment of COVID.

Marty Spehar (richmond hts., 2021-12-31)


Something needs to be done to stop the fascist government and elite. From both sides!

Paula Borsellino (Grimsby , 2021-12-31)


It is matter of survival of HUMANITY in its natural form. And also survival of NATURE & ECOSYSTEM in its vergin form.

Abhijit Inamdar (Kolhapur, 2021-12-31)


This government are being paid to ram this vaccine down our throats.

Mark Kidd (Newtownabbey, 2021-12-31)


Save peoples lives!

Mary Berlin (Everett, 2021-12-31)


I want the individuals responsible to the ongoing crisis (included the "vaccination" or gene therapies so hardly and forcefully pushed upon us) to be found and hold accountable for their crimes: at the top and down the hierarchy.

Timati Idalian (Tel Aviv, 2021-12-31)


People are devided wherever you look. Freedom of expression and physical self-determination are being oppressed and if you question the “truth”, we will be punished. If you seek another “truth”, you will be punished. If you post what you wish without regard to the established rules, you will be punished. If you complain about any of the above, you will be punished. This isn’t a violation of rights. This is called accountability for unapproved behavior.

David Eschbacher (Erlangen, 2021-12-31)


This Vaccine has to Stop. It's criminal

Andrew Dalsoren (Dousman , 2021-12-31)


I’m signing to end this insanity!

Nicolas Sigounis (Casselman, 2022-01-01)


I'm sick of the unlawful rules, our freedom's being eroded from the Commonwealth Subjects, our human rights are being taken away, we are being subjected too "provisionally approved" medicine's that can only be titled that for a limited time. No medium term effects to go off, no long term effects to go off. Mandates are unlawful and not a law, they are a contract and I do not consent to contract by forced coercion, under finacial duress.

Laona Mullings (Perth, 2022-01-01)


All persons who are complicit in crimes against humanity need to be dealt with

Sarah Brookes (Perth, 2022-01-01)


The need for accountability for ongoing practices similar to those committed by the Nazi regime in WWII and previously prosecuted.

Michael Caughron (Olathe, 2022-01-01)


I believe that there has been a crime against humanity

Skye De Beer Kotze (London, 2022-01-01)


The medical crimes against humanity must be stopped. Donald St.Onge

Donald St.Onge (Henniker NH, 2022-01-01)


I’m signing this because I believe that big tech social media, mainstream news, the government, health care providers, hospitals etc…. Are coercing the public illegally into taking the covid vaccine with no informed consent because they have covered up the truth about everything concerned with adverse affects concerning these vaccines. I believe we are being lied to and are not capable of informed consent. These people are criminals and should be held accountable

Michael Gallagher (Goffstown , 2022-01-01)


The tyranny must end immediately. Nuremberg Code must be implemented again accross the world immediately.

Priya Darshan (Hyderabad, 2022-01-01)


They must be stopped, cos if not they will kill us all.

Krzysztof Osiadacz (DOVER, 2022-01-01)


I do not want experimental injections, in particular the ones that could be affecting those who have not taken them. All of the policies implemented and apartheid2021 rules were on the basis of GOLD STANDARD PCR test, which was used inappropriately, counting cases when there was perhaps a few!
Lives were ruined by these policies as has health. Once healthy people are now ill, or amputees as they have not been given FULL detail and an informed choice making. In fact in some cases there was at least an indirect coercion, from which if injury occurred there was no recourse to anyone. Spanish, EU and United Kingdom governments did not tell people this is an experimental injection with UNKNOWN contents and more importantly UNKNOWN CONSEQUENCES FOR THE DECADES TO COME. They forced people to wear masks and be imprisoned in their homes. ALL ON THE BASIS OF PCR TEST!

Aleksandra James (Castillo, 2022-01-01)


I like in a Free blood bought constitutional rights have been bought and paid for. I am sole responsible for what goes on or in my body period......

Jacqueline Delgado (Eagle Creek, 2022-01-01)


I am against the forced vaccination. They are not thinking about the health and welfare of public but helping the vaccine company

Vivek Sharma (Kolkata, 2022-01-01)


Because I believe in Medical Freedom!

Marsha Wolfe (Elmira, 2022-01-01)


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Lopez clodine (Paris , 2022-01-01)


I don’t want globalists to ruin the world.

Joseph Thomas (Shelby Township, 2022-01-01)


For the sake of our basic human rights and the future of our children.

Dijana Mijatovic (Malmö, 2022-01-01)


I believe the ones responsible for the gain of function research used deception to effect government overreach to enforce a vaccine-or-else policy based on fear. The injuries and death are egregious and we need justice brought forth from the Hague!! This is truly crimes against humanity!!!

Rebekah James (Saint Louis, 2022-01-01)


Those responsible for this horrendous crime need to be arrested and tried in the International criminal court!

Maureen Alderman (Saint Georges Basin, 2022-01-01)


Anyone who does not know by now that the free world is in serious trouble is either in denial or not paying attention. I want all who are part of this deadly scam stopped and I want globalism broken up.

Merlin Larsen (WEST JORDAN, 2022-01-02)


I am signing because Crimes Against Humanity Worldwide are being committed, people dying and suffering due to Covid-19 vaccines. This is Tragic enough but even more Tragic is that these vaccines will destroy people’s part of immune system that defends cancers and latent viruses/diseases which could re-emerge in people such as TB and wipeout the entire human population. Please have mercy and STOP these injections

Sharron Smith (BN27 4BN, 2022-01-02)


We must hold these people responsible. Their callous disregard for humanity in the pursuit of power and profit, has led to hundreds of thousands of injuries and deaths. The Perpetrators have engaged in medical and governmental malfeasance at a worldwide level never before seen. They must be exposed and held accountable in order to prevent this type of tragedy ever happening again.

Lori Weintz (West Jordan, 2022-01-02)


It is well past time that the perpetrators of these horrific crimes were held to account.

Lincoln Larsen (Hillsboro, 2022-01-02)


I'm signing because: the powers are causing unnecessary injuries and deaths , who have put their trust into the medical system and now lost their lively hood or their families to a vaccine that has never been fully tested.
This needs to be stopped and a full investigation to be actioned before others are effected by this crime.

Stephen Scott (Sheffield, 2022-01-02)


Not sure it’s safe. Why is it being given to our children

Nikki Stocks (Todmorden, 2022-01-02)


My beliefs yeah

Linda Nichols (Plano, 2022-01-02)


I am signing because I agree with the statement that so to say Vaccine is actually biological weapon to achieve 2 agendas (at least) - depopulation and digital identity implementation.

Antanas L (Romford, 2022-01-02)


Forced medication slaves my soul.

Jyoti Padalkar (Panvel, 2022-01-02)


I want those corrupt individuals who are profiting from this to be held accountable!

Paula Wineck (Whitby, 2022-01-02)


This has been against science, the constitution and our basic human rights

Carmen Galbraith (Hamilton, 2022-01-02)


I refuse to let these evil people kill us off without a fight. I know people who were poisoned in the hospital with protocols meant to kill for nothing other than profit. We must stop them together.

Lori Erickson (Manistique , 2022-01-02)



Růžena Šimková (Valašské Meziříčí, 2022-01-02)


This insanity must be stopped and all participants tried in a public forum.

James Stephens (San Jose , 2022-01-02)


I'm signing this because this tyranny will not stand. This whole thing is criminal. From top to bottom. This needs to end now. We the People need to have some accountability with these out of control, power grabbing, overstepping politicians.

Michael Bartels (Independence, 2022-01-02)


Everyone has the right to know the truth and the apparent breach of the Nuremberg codes is a major red flag which justifies legal action.

Jean Clerc (Vernoux, 2022-01-02)


There is becoming increasing evidence that this so called pandemic was not only produced (not natural) but the policies put in place were also put in place to produce the disastrously social and health impacts we are seeing. As part of the strategy is a massive cover up, those of us that see, must take action to stop it.

Tenaya Asan (Novato, 2022-01-02)


I want freedom of choice, human rights and medical ethics restored.

Michael Milmoe (Dublin, 2022-01-02)


I object to being forced into taking a proven poisonous substance for something I have a 99.98% chance of survival.

Tony James (Selby, 2022-01-02)


I believe we should have a choice on what goes into our bodies!

Glenda Napier ( Perth, 2022-01-03)


While I believe in rehabilitation of humans rather than punishment, what has been happening on our earth can no longer be supported.

Barbara J Taylor (Centennial, CO, 2022-01-03)


I'm signing because I have been doing my due diligence for two years now, researching and coordinating with other private investigators and I KNOW that everything stated in this petition is accurate and requires a prompt response, for the sake of humanity.

Marcela Cruz (Shingle Springs, 2022-01-03)


These mandates are tyrannical and dangerous. It's clearly about money and control, not health and safety. It it was about health and safety, there would be transparency about the risks and liability when people are harmed. I've also lost my job because they would not accommodate my religious exemption.

Amy Miller (Holden, 2022-01-03)


Because goverments has no rigths to force peopple to mandatory vaccines, and because they have not safety conditions. There're many others drugs and combinations to treat covid-19 deases.

Alejandra Ferrone (Villa Bosch, 2022-01-03)


To support Dr. Fleming's research and legal efforts.

Chris Cole (Enfield, 2022-01-03)


Very clearly, there are crimes being committed against the people of our planet. They are killing us, and breaking laws that need to be addressed by the ICC. If not the ICC then who?

Sally Chang (Surat Thani, 2022-01-03)


I believe the vaccine is a tool of genocide

Daniela Magee (Chelenham , 2022-01-03)


I want justice and the truth to be known

Les Greve (Shrewsbury , 2022-01-03)


We are fast slipping into totalitarianism and people's lives are being lost due to greed and hunger for power.

carolyn wilson (largs bay, 2022-01-03)

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