Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



I truly believe in the purpose of this petition. Those who listed here are true criminals against the humanity using gene therapy.

Akihiro Nakamura (Mercer Island, 2021-12-29)


I’m signing this because I want these culprits to be punished. Like other war criminals.

Sharon Wadsworth (Calgary, 2021-12-29)


I agree that Anthony Fauci, and all those persons complicit in the cover up of the covid virus origin and the distribution of the dangerous vaccines, are criminally liable and need to be prosecuted.

David Madsen (Lenexa, 2021-12-29)


I sign because access to early Covid treatment is denied to me.
Side effects of the inoculation and death risk is greater than the risk of getting the virus.
Inoculations contain elements that are detrimental to my health.
Inoculations are not safe snd not effective.
I am being forced to be inoculated to continue in my career and employment.
Having survived the virus easily and now have natural immunity I am still required to be inoculated , natural immunity is not recognised by authorities but is recognised by world leading scientists.
I am forced to be tested with grossly inaccurate tests that comprise of carcenogenic elements .
I am required to were masks that are detrimental to my health and do nothing to prevent transmission of virus .

Livii Chiarot (Sydney , 2021-12-29)


Crimes of global scale.

Gary Geer (UTICA, 2021-12-29)


I do not agree to being a Guinea pig/lab animal.

Tiziana Sestili (Adelaide, 2021-12-29)



Loretta Martin (Columbia city, 2021-12-29)


Civil Liberties are under attack disguised as Health directives driven by a false pandemic.

Eamonn MCLOUGHLIN (WOLLONGONG, 2021-12-29)


Podpisujem som za

Marcel Lichner (Lutila, 2021-12-29)


It is the just thing to do.

shanna boyer (san antonio, 2021-12-29)


They need to be stopped - they believe they are untouchable with their wealth, power and control. Humanity and human rights need to be restored

shelley abbott (Gold Coast, 2021-12-29)


As an independent business person both my private and business life has suffered as a result of the actions and decisions made by these people.

Graham Davies (Barry, 2021-12-29)


I am signing because here in Australia our basic freedoms and rights are being slowly eroded.

Karen Narres (Darwin, 2021-12-29)


Už je nejvyšší čas !!!!

Ilona Stránská (Hradec Králové, 2021-12-29)


People are dying. These are not vaccines. Our children are suffering. This has to stop. These are crimes against humanity. Silence is consent. We will all be held accountable.

Lucy Waddell (Corning, 2021-12-29)


I value mine and my children's health, freedom, safety and security and do not want to lose them now or in the future.

Paul Cardin (Wallasey, 2021-12-29)


This vaccine is a crime against humanity.

Barbara Case (Hubert , 2021-12-29)


I'm signing because I want the criminals to be judged

Ramdeo Runnoo (Phoenix, 2021-12-29)


I want justice anď freedom again

Laure Savary de beauregard (Paris, 2021-12-29)


We are being lied to and deserve the truth.

Sam Banner (South shields, 2021-12-29)


Because Covid is all a big scam #WEF #KLAUS SCHWAB

Robert Sansom (Nottingham, 2021-12-29)


What’s is happening a direct contravention of the Nuremberg Code.
Therefore illegal and needs to stop immediately!

Stuart Parker (Worongary, 2021-12-29)


Je signe au nom de la LIBERTÉ

Da Silva Victor (Reckange , 2021-12-29)



Matias Victor (Mersch , 2021-12-29)


I want to see an end to this depopulation agenda and those responsible to be held accountable.

Neil Grimes (Kingston Upon Thames, 2021-12-29)


High time those that have participated in so many deaths face the consequences.

Isaac Shapiro (Tyagarah, 2021-12-29)


I’m signing this because many have been killed, immune system damaged, or disabled by the Covid -19 shots. The research animals that were used for the mRNA testing ALL DIED! Why was the testing done on humans without knowing what’s in it and it’s testing history. Lastly, why do we need a mRNA shot when the chances of getting deathly ill is so low. It’s just the common cold and flu anyway. Bill Gates stated he was going to use vaccines to depopulate the Earth. Fauci worked with Bill Gates an others to make this deadly shot and they must be punished for their evil.

Evy Summers (Murfreesboro, TN, 2021-12-29)


I am a therapist, working in the area of Quantum Psychotherapy & Personal Evolution & as such have devoted the last 25 yrs, to my own evolutionary growth, as well as that of my clients. It is imperative that the human species collectively ' wake up ' into the realisation of who they truly are , in order to go beyond suffering. The perpetrators of these crimes, however, have been actively doing all in their power to suppress this expansion & enslave the world, in a veil of fear & perpetual distraction. This determined, orchestrated & sinister intention must be dissolved.

Diana Calleja (Sydney, 2021-12-29)


The perpetrators should be punished for committing such a heinous crime on humanity.

Aman Sanghavi (Mumbai, 2021-12-30)


Stop Genocide in the name of Fake Pandemic. No New World order...

N. M CHAUHAN (Gandhinagar, 2021-12-30)


I'm against mandatory vaccinations and boosters, vaccine passports and lockdowns. I think those responsible for crimes against humanity should be held accountable so that this never happens again, in any country.

Kajori Aikat (Kolkata, 2021-12-30)


I am signing because my parents have got side effects of vaccine. My dad has blood clot in his leg and his legs are swollen. While my mom had entire body swollen. Was admitted in Holy family hospital in Bandra West on 11th October 2021 till 22nd October 2021

Secondly in October 2020 my mom had got chronic sinusitis attack, they called it corona. We were forced to go in for swab test.

Third in May 2021 my father got lung infection they called it corona. I met with an accident in same month. Again we were forced to go in for swab test. This time swab test touched my toung and it had wierd taste. I immediately gargled and brushed my mounth. I forced to take allopathy. I came to know I don't have corona after I did blood test. I shifted to homeopathy all by myself and got alright on 8th day. When I got severe accidity that is was unable to breath while sleeping. One doctor said I need oxygen. The other said take pan40 before breakfast, Lunch and dinner and continue taking homeopathy medicine. The other doctor said that I need oxygen cylinder.

In India media and political parties have played with our lives and now they want to play with our kids life. They are forcing us to vaccinate here. I am Yoga instructor and totally against vaccination.
Dr. Soumya Swamynathan must be questioned as well
Save kids all over the world.
Hang the criminals
Sentence them to death
Punish Aadhar Poonawala in India too
Take away his licence of making vaccine along with others vaccination company

We have right to live and we have right to breath

Nisha Talreja (Mumbai, 2021-12-30)



Helena Spanova (Zilina, Ke kostelu 59, 2021-12-30)


I am against fascism, biowarfare, genocide and terrorism.
Covid is a bioweapon created in a laboratory to justify forced/coercive injections, masking, chipping, etc.
Forced/coercive masking and injections are medical terrorism, genocide and violation of dignity, health and bodily autonomy. The purpose of mRNA injections is to depopulate, not vaccinate. People around the world, including fit, healthy young people are dropping like flies after getting this eugenics/genocide/gene tampering injection.
The so called "Great Reset" is economic terrorism.
UN is THE worst terrorist organisation and all nations should withdraw, boycott and stop taking bribes from IMF. Dismantle the UN and all this goes away.
The CCP is a terrorist organisation and was directly involved in the creation of this nightmare.
Klaus Schwab, Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, George Soros and those they serve are terrorists. Pharmaceutical companies pushing the mRNA injections, Pfizer especially, are genocidal terrorist organisations.
The so called "leaders" of nations who are abusing and subjugating their own people to push UN Agenda 21/2030/Great Reset are also terrorists.
All of these covid terrorists must be permanently de-throned, disarmed and publicly punished. The so-called "leaders" of nations that are complying with Operation Lock Step must be publicly tried for treason, along with mainstream media organisations who pushed their covid propaganda.

T. Venkatesh (Bangalore, 2021-12-30)


Crimes against humanity has to be meted out with severest punishment.

Srinivasa Shreehari (Bengaluru, 2021-12-30)


je signe parce que je partage l'avis déposé ci-joint.



I'm signing because I'm sick of the lies and propaganda, and I want the truth and freedoms for all.

Neil Westham (Mansfield, 2021-12-30)


I'm signing because I want to be a part of what is Just.

Mayur Patil (Erandol, 2021-12-30)


Už mám tej debility korónovej dosť. Je potrebnú to zastaviť.

Pavel Zaťko (Bratislava, 2021-12-30)


Justice must prevail

Werner Cruywagen (Kalgoorlie , 2021-12-30)


The vaccines are always been a sales trick by the pharmas and also cause I am pro life.

Hamish Sampai (Mumbai, 2021-12-30)


In the hope that those who have the power to do so will protect the vulnerable, step up to the plate and right these wicked wrongs.

Stevie Avastu (Glos, 2021-12-30)


I have a wonderful Aunt who died suddenly a few weeks after having the vaccine.
No one should feel forced or be segregated for their choose.
Mandatory vaccination has to stop.
Those responsible need to be held accountable, and those who have suffered need to be compensated.

Jacqueline Coutts (Geelong, 2021-12-30)


I am accepting against child vaccination and I am also not taking any COVID vaccine

Prasun Biswas (Arambagh, 2021-12-30)


I are signing because no matter how transmissible these current covid and it's varients are.
Too the healthy population poses very little threat.
We have only needed to protect our elderly and citizens with comorbide worse health.
With a vaccine that actually works.
So continuing to push supply a vaccines that does not stop transmissivity and does not suppress all symptoms does not make any sense.
What make matters worse is that the vaccines are going to give many people many other unnecessary illnesses or deseases or potentially deaths to many who have nothing to having by taking the failed vaccines.
So a contract signed by our corrupted government officials into poses to steel trillions of our government funds raised and tax payers money that could be well worth spent on something else.
Not to mention much cheaper vitamins and steroid menications that have enhance successfully our immunity against these covid all over the world that has been voiced by scientists and medical Professionals for the last 18 months.

Shane Lawlor (Adelaide, 2021-12-30)


I am a retired virologist/microbiologist and have been following this plannnedemic since it first burst upon the scene. I think it is the largest and most diabolical scheme ever foisted on the whole human species.

James Donohue (Starkville, 2021-12-30)


These global criminals need to be prosecuted

Peter Arzani (West Jordan Utah , 2021-12-30)


These criminals need to be held accountable for their actions. Period. Full stop.

Anderson Kellerman (Gig Harbor, 2021-12-30)


I want to do my part to ensure an investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for crimes against humanity are held accountable.

Tina Blaha (Lake Jackson, 2021-12-30)


You guys are world hero's and the worlds only 🙏🙏🙏😡

Graham Johnston (Dublin, 2021-12-30)


for inalienable rights

Gail Galivan (Oakbrook Terrace, IL, 2021-12-30)


I have watched in horror as the events have unfolded, knowing in my heart something was very wrong. I have watched those around me suffer loss of life and livlihood and experience adverse reactions after being coerced and bullied into a medical trial! Those responsible MUST be held accountable.

jodie singleton (swansea, 2021-12-30)


These individual should no longer believe that they are above justice and should be finally held to account. Thank you Dr Fleming for starting this petition and for all you are doing. Your contribution to informing us and inspiring us is both very important and necessary.

Simon Howlett (Llandeilo, 2021-12-30)


I love my world.***** those lizard bastards!!!

Renee Williford (Beaumont , 2021-12-30)


I'm fighting for freedom! These criminals should be tried for treason!

Heather Moffett (Totnes, Devon, 2021-12-30)


To save America as a republic for our children and their children

Terri A Huffman (Genoa, 2021-12-30)


This is a most heinous crime and there are many to be held to account.

Sam Tebb (Wirral, 2021-12-30)


The Nuremberg Trials must resume again if any of what is happening will be made to stop finally.
The Crimes must be exposed, Justice must be served against those who have enjoyed filling their pockets from the suffering of others [INTENTIONALLY] They Knew, They Knew, They Knew.

Roy Weatherby (El Paso, 2021-12-30)


It's the moral thing to do.

Thomas Hart (Glasgow, 2021-12-30)


I’m tired of the lies.

John Powell (Coeur d’Alene , 2021-12-30)


I put my name forward for this petition because there are major crimes against humanity being committed by the individuals implicated in this document. I would like to make sure that I stand a a free individual on the right side of history.

Miranda Lukaniuk-lipovsek (Port hope, 2021-12-30)


Murder by anyone needs to be punished.

Dewey Mason (Wylie, 2021-12-30)

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