Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



I have seen enough and researched enough to believe that the people behind this virus and vaccine knew they would cause millions of deaths in the world.

Kathleen Cottrell (Northridge, 2021-12-20)


I am signing this petition to stop the injustices being perpetrated on every single human being on this planet.

Vicki Keil (Listowel Ontario, 2021-12-20)


What the NZ govt is doing is against international law. The coercion to inject citizens with an experimental drug is not only unethical, immoral but requires investigation and those who are sanctioning this tried in a court of law.

Chris Hines (Blenheim, 2021-12-20)



Mike Visco (New lenox, 2021-12-20)


I value the foundation to which our legal system is built.

david mccauley (cowichan Bay, 2021-12-20)


I want those people held accountable for all the deaths and injuries that occurred with this bio weapon given to people
They caused fear in the people so they thought the shot would help them and instead harmed and killed them They knew what they were doing This is crimes against humanity

Karen Taylor (Havredegrace, 2021-12-20)


Creating a pandemic placing fear and stress on people . Killing rhem because vaccines are poison and making it mandatory is a crime against humanity

Rosemary Colbert (Bloemfontein, 2021-12-20)


I am signing this petition because I believe crimes against humanity have been committed by numerious people and companies in the United States and in other parts of the world. The so called covid 19 vaccine was developed and is nothing more than gene manipulation. From what I have read and observed on websites, numerous doctors have stated the vax contains items in it that will kill most people who take it within 2 to 5 years. The vax has already killed thousands of people just by taking it, due to the side effects which were never studied. The people who did this should be held accountable.

harvey taylor (Havre de Grace, 2021-12-20)


It’s the right thing to do..

Brian Harris (Invercargill , 2021-12-20)


I’m Signing because I want to see Justice for my Sister’s MURDER at Moses Cone Hospital in Greensboro, NC.

Please let me know How to Report the Dr’s, Nurses, and Everyone Involved in her Murder.

Thank you for you Help!

Cindy Cannon

Cindy Cannon (Notfolk, 2021-12-20)


These evil criminals need to be exposed for what they have done to humanity.

Simon Turner (Cambridge , 2021-12-20)


The common sense measures of staying home when sick, washing hands, and priority of personal hygiene is one thing. However the totalitarian measures of lockdowns, mandatory vaccines and masking is a whole different level. Something smells rotten!

Alice Schneiderman (Madison, 2021-12-20)


The worst of crimes have been committed by the very ones who should be facilitating our protection. Justice must be served on these criminals who have violated so many of our essential human rights. Fauci must hang. Anything less would be a gross injustice in itself.

Ben Traill (Queenstown, 2021-12-20)


Vaccinations being pushed on free people of this country, while our right to treatments are being suppressed and withheld resulting in hundreds of thousands deaths. This is a crime, at the highest levels of government and medical establishments, and they do not have the right to determine the fate of my loved ones and myself.

Cindie Quintana (Albuquerque, 2021-12-20)


I was wrongfully terminated due to Governor Jay Inslee's Proclamation 21-14 that requires all health care workers, regardless of immune status, to participate in mRNA injections as a condition of employment in the State of Washington.

Dawn Tyrrell (Boynton Beach, 2021-12-20)


I'm signing because truth must out.

Heather Wallace-Brown (BROMLEY, 2021-12-20)


I'm signing this petition because highly qualified medical doctors & researchers have been censored for promoting lifesaving protocols because Anthony Fauci wants his dangerous mRNA jab to continue to be Emergency Authorized. 800K people in the U.S. would not have died had the early treatment protocols been used, as well as ivermectin & hydroxychloroquine!

Penelope Curtis (Grass Valley, CA 95945, 2021-12-20)


My daughter just had a baby, our first grand child! She was not properly informed and advised that this would be good for the baby! Without any long term studies on fertility and child development I believe that she was not properly informed about the treatment!
I am also being coerced by the Western Australian Government which applies vaccine mandates under a “No Jab, No Job” policy! Police officers in Kalgoorlie “assisting” door to door knocking vaccines team, by wearing a gun!
I feel strongly that the media is actively misleading the public and that the Government is actively rigging the reporting system of side effects!
We have suddenly an increase in heart attacks in our community of healthy people! After being jabbed they dropped dead. No reporting, no investigation, no autopsy.
I believe this is a mass medical experiment and trail, where proper free consent has been disregarded. Peer pressure due to mass media propaganda and coercion by Government Mandates are not free consent! I hope these unjust measures will be called out and the people responsible held accountable, prosecuted and punished!

Axel Passeck (Esperwnce, 2021-12-20)


We must reign in this dangerous research that obviously should have never been initiated.

Christopher Moulton (Kennebunkport, 2021-12-21)


Elizabeth McKinstry MS-TCVM

Elizabeth McKinstry (Kennett Square, 2021-12-21)


Enough is enough.

Sandro Buchholz (Berlin, 2021-12-21)


I have the right to choose what goes into my body. I have always chosen not to put pharmaceuticals in my body whenever humanly possible because I have no reason to trust their safety and I do not accept the toxicity (myriad side effects) that typically comes along with most drugs. I went to school for holistic nutrition. There I studied both pharmacological side effects of drugs and the power of nutrients and the human immune system to regulate health. I have personally witnessed countless lies and unethical misuse of power among pharmaceutical companies promoting their drugs when they knew they were unsafe and claimed they were safe. It’s a gross conflict of interest.

I have every right not to trust Pharma and to take the position that I will not put anything in my body that I don’t fully understand, trust or have personally deemed acceptable and safe for my body. MY BODY. With capital letters.
I hope that you respect my decision to choose for my body what feels safest and that will never be to put my body in the hands of corrupt corporations who put revenue before the safety and welfare of all human beings.

And furthermore, many peer reviewed journal studies/articles support my research that unvaccinated people are no more likely to transmit (spread) SARS COV2 than vaccinated people.

Linda Carrillo (Sebastopol, 2021-12-21)


I'm signing for my children, grandchildren, and future generations to come. These are the most egregious of crimes and need to be halted now. I wholeheartedly support Dr. Richard Fleming and others who are trying to hold these people accountable.

Diane Beach (Albuquerque, 2021-12-21)


I'm a Pastor who supports truth, personal freedoms, and Godliness.

Patrick McGowan (Goodyear, 2021-12-21)


It's evident that u.s and world health officials have undermined the civilians trust by pushing an agenda to deepen their financial pockets in the name of science and destroyed millions and millions of lives through depriving and attacking covid 19 treatments that work which would undermine the Emergency Use Authorization for the new expensive vaccines which have not been adequately researched or tested and during clinical trials have hid adverse reactions and are pushing this on the future of our world which is our children through propaganda. For example tik tok and sesame Street in the USA and instead of following the science, they cover up what goes against their narrative and self interests. Mental health is the pandemic no one is worried about and not recognizing natural immunity goes against all biological science we learned in school and demonizing unvaccinated individuals for not taking a so called vaccine that has not been proven to be safe or effective for a notable percentage of people according to the latest VAERS DATA

Brandon Brown (Huntingtown , 2021-12-21)


There needs to be accountability for the willful destruction of families, businesses and economies. The fact that VAERS reporting has been ignored and that a horrible experiment gone wrong continues to be forced on the world population needs the perpetrators to face legal action and the full wrath of the law.

Mike Mason (Cape Town, 2021-12-21)


Human rights and personal freedom of choice is not being considered in this current situation.

Julie Devine (Whangarei , 2021-12-21)


Jacinda Ardern and her government need to be tried for crimes against humanity violating the 1947 Nuremburg Code.
Public hanging is the only acceptable result from this evil. It needs to happen soon before more death

Harry Murphy (New Zealand, 2021-12-21)


Justice must be served for these crimes.

Jessica Galligani (Macungie, 2021-12-21)


Crimes against humanity are being committed.

Chris Massie (REDRUTH, 2021-12-21)


The crimes committed against humanity during the past two years need to be punished.

Carole Law (Port Elizabeth , 2021-12-21)


Crimes contre l'humanité. Une honte ce qu'il se passe avec cette pseudo pandémie.

Claude Pedroletti (Velaux, 2021-12-21)


They need to be charged

Blair Henry (Blackfalds , 2021-12-21)


I am signing because this is our Canadian Rights and Freedoms that are be taken... our livelihood our children's voice....

Delaney Hansen (Kimberley , 2021-12-21)


We shouldn't be forced to take a vaccine we don't need or want.

Janet Pollock (Peterborough, 2021-12-21)


Theses gene therapy shots are crimes against humanity

Lauren OBrien (Beacon, 2021-12-21)


We have to stand up for the real truth.

Carina van Dolder (Amersfoort, 2021-12-21)


I support the Nuremberg Code and never want to see this event happen again.

Suzanne OBrien (Norfolk Island, 2021-12-21)


Emergency Use Authorization is not an approved medication. Clinical trials haven't ended and there is no control group. US VAERS data shows a huge spike in adverse events, including deaths for these emergency gene therapies. US agencies and media are complicit in not providing transparent data and covering up deaths and adverse reactions- there is no true informed consent! Mandates are tied to your livelihood, this is not choice. Natural immunity is ignored. FDA approved drugs which show promise in treating the virus are suppressed. Epidemiological standards are being polluted to get gain and advance a totalitarian agenda worldwide. Science is not synonymous with policy, politics, or agency figureheads. We need informed consent and freedom of choice. Please hold those who are violating the Nuremberg code accountable.

Alison Murphy (Redding, 2021-12-21)


I have to speak up about the loss of constitutional rights and human rights to choose.

Gina Catania (San Rafael, 2021-12-22)


For the benefit of Humanity and Our Children ...

James Williams (Grass Valley, 2021-12-22)


All people who are involved in this tyrannical way of treating human beeings should be prosecuted and senteence to prison for life

Marie Pankhurst (Kinna, 2021-12-22)


The world must have this!

Anita Barnes (Tampa, 2021-12-22)


This government is knowingly participating in genocide

Sharon Dodds (Auckland, 2021-12-22)


I strongly believe that crimes have been committed by government and authority figures, and that has enabled them to take away our rights as Canadian citizens.

Willy Moes (Kelowna, 2021-12-22)


I am in 100% agreement with the tenets of this petition.

Dr Greta Shames-Dawson (Monmouth Beach, 2021-12-22)


of the evil in this world all in the name of health which is so far off mark

john hewlett (redruth, 2021-12-22)


Expose the sad truth to the cleansing light of day and support the ways of righteousness.

Wayne Lill Jr (La Mesa, 2021-12-22)


Koronafašismus sa musí skončit!!!

Magda Kalvodová (Pardubice, 2021-12-22)


Vores humans rights is taking away from os . Medicinsk forsøg er ikke i orden . Vores krop vores valg .

Tina Duus frederiksen (København Nv, 2021-12-22)


This tyrannical rain of fear mongering and terror must stop...

CJ Hendry (Auckland, 2021-12-22)


It’s a crime against humanity

Michael Jespersen (Præstø, 2021-12-22)


I am a human being and believe these criminals should be charged with crimes against humanity. It’s appalling what is taking place on Earth and needs to be stopped immediately.

Samantha Roberts (New York , 2021-12-22)


Im against all lies, deception, inhumane, immoral and draconian treatment of governments to its people they sworn to protect!!

Julius Pillora (Iloilo, 2021-12-22)


The people in the authority positions at government agencies that supposedly work in service to public health, the politicians, the captured scientists and academics, the editors at journals that publish fraudulent papers on life-saving early intervention drugs, executives at Big Pharma Big Tech companies, and the corrupted media have failed to keep people safe. Instead, they have kept their own interests front and center, stoked fear, prevented the scientific community from debating and asking questions, censored information and stymied access towards a multifaceted, early-intervention approach that could have saved hundreds of thousands of lives, tried to force an experimental medical intervention to be injected into people's bodies in order to simply participate in society, and enacted policies that simply don't work and in fact, cause more overall harm that benefit. No data-based, risk-benefit analyses have been done, and no authorities have asked for any expert independent scientific reviews to be done before making broad, one-size-fits-all "public health" policies (and when experts ask questions or point to flaws in the basis of these policies, they are shamed, censored, or ignored). These people must be held responsible for crimes against humanity due to at best, their utter incompetence to lead us through this health crisis.

Efan Hsieh (Andover, 2021-12-22)


I am signing this document because these mandates are against my rights and freedoms. The cencorship is unpresidented in my life time. What are they hiding? Why were doctors and hospitald being paid to report covid deaths? The "science" has changed frequently lies have been proven as such. There is no research of long term effects. I have suffered long term effects from my childhood vaccinations. Truth is being surpressed. The propaganda and tatics are very similar to those used by Nazi Germany. The distruction of many lives has advanced the largest transfer of wealth upwards is disgusting as many lose their homes and lively hood while big corperations can keep their doors open but you can't go to a park? The fact they never educated people on supporting their immune system is unethical and very suspiciouse. The lies and corruption is so obviouse, but most people have been brainwashed by mainstream media controlled by a very few. Bill Gates has donated millions to mainsresm media. Why? Now it is us against them, just like Nazi Germany divide and conquer. Being a victim off vaccine injury I refuse to " just get over it" as Mr Biden beleives I should. This has truly and obvioudly is and has been a crime against humanity.

Linda Porter (Yelaps, 2021-12-22)


Crimes against humanity have been inflicted. No longer can politicians and mainstream media deny the truth. I have seen the VAERS reports. vigiaccess documents and death stats, and FOI requests which show the true number of deaths from COVID-19, and they are minimal. The abuse of power by elected government officials is shocking and against all human rights laws, including the Nuremberg Code.

Eddie Eastwood (Cookstown, 2021-12-22)


Disagree with how people are being treated all around the world, freedoms taken away, lock downs, loss of jobs and businesses, the cost to people’s mental health while living in fear. People being coerced by this fear, and by desperation for the falsely promised return to normality , pro vaccination propaganda, falsified statistics and information, muting of sources of information that goes against the agenda and various other cohesive means to voluntarily have an injection of a never before used drug that has not been licensed or tested properly on humans put into them without any information usually required to make a proper informed choice. The people pushing the injection being given full immunity from any accountability for any ill effects the people who follow their falsified advice might suffer as a result of their wrong doings in the future, also the mandating, proposed mandating of the drug, forced limitations on nearly all aspects of freedom and choice for anyone not vaccinated to give them no option other than to have it in order to maintain a job and obtain an unnecessary electronic passport which will gain them back their freedoms and social acceptance which goes completely against the Nuremberg code

Mark Whitworth (Lincoln, 2021-12-22)


Podepisuji, protože ani já nemohu mlčet. Jsem r.1946. Ve věku 14-ti let jsem četla knihy jako Továrna na smrt (Osvěntim) a Nahý mezi vlky atd. Ani ve snu by mně nenapadlo, že zločiny proti lidskosti se budou opakovat v tak rafinované podobě !!!
Hanba těm vědcům, kteří se k tomu

Jaroslava Smreková (Bílovec, 2021-12-22)


I'm signing because we are a free people and the government doesn't have any legal authority to force us to do anything. The government works for us not the other way around. This crime against humanity has gone on long enough.

Amy Horwitz (Chatsworth, 2021-12-22)


I am a victim.

Lisa Cotter (Aumsville, 2021-12-22)


I believe that it’s timely that the truth surfaced

Sylvia Bertolini (Canton De Stanstead , 2021-12-23)


When power and greed supersede morality, and humanity suffers, there must be accountability.

Charleen Meyers (Franklinton, 2021-12-23)

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