Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



I am signing because what is being done in our country and all around the world is evil in its darkest possibilites. Our freedoms and rights are being removed by coercion, deceit, fear, and manipulation. Truth needs to be brought out and those responsible need to be held to account.

Donna McCallum (Spruce Grove, 2021-12-17)


The truth must be found!

Keith Bollman (Bethel, 2021-12-17)


what is going on is wrong on many levels

mark oday (Minneapolis, 2021-12-17)


This is Evil and must be stopped!

Glenn Rickabaugh (Quakertown, 2021-12-17)


I'm signing because I am hoping that justice will be done for the crimes against humanity that the orchestrators of this corona virus "plan-demic" have caused.

Iris Arce (New York, 2021-12-17)


I'm being forced to take an experimental mRNA vaccine against my will and choice for my own body autonomy or I will lose my Job. Extremely untenable situation. My human rights are being violated.

Suzanne Den Hoedt (Armadale, Perth, 2021-12-17)


I'm signing because I am scared of what is becoming of our society. How our government is allowing profits and tyrants to experiment on us. The "Science", not the one Fauci talks about but the real Science shows that these jabs are a bad idea. Enough is enough.

Stuart Robertson (Upper Mount Gravatt, 2021-12-17)


I am Gods servant and the sanctity of life is all but destroyed.

Paul Gosselin (WATERVILLE, 2021-12-17)


I'm against all forms of tyranny

Milena Molano (Bogotá D.C, 2021-12-17)


The evil being propagated on all society, world wide, must be brought to justice and all individuals must be held accountable



Fauci and all other's responsible must be held accountable for their actions and crimes against humanity. We need to know the truth of what has happened so that we can take steps to keep it from happening again.

Jan Hurwitz (Boca Raton, 2021-12-17)


We are being misled by our politicians and health systems. We have the right to informed medical consent and this has been over ruled.

Robin Jones (Coquitlam, 2021-12-17)


I disagree with the current draconian mandates for “vaccination” across the globe and the restriction of rights to choose what gets put in my body. Disagree with enforced vaccination of children and censorship of discussion snd research relating to these issues

Jenna Ford (Tyalgum, 2021-12-17)


I am signing because as the lies and deception have been exposed by the people who care for humanity, justice must be served to those bent on destroying humanity.

Raul Lanting (Surrey, 2021-12-17)


I firmly believe that this is a violation of the Nuremberg Code.

Phil Resendes (Chatham, 2021-12-17)


If no one stands up to evil than evil prevails. I would rather stand up and fail than not fight for all people, in all nations. God has called some “for such a time as this.” I am one of those people along with my wife. And we stand with the rest.

Donald Cull (Merrillville , 2021-12-17)


Truth must prevail

Matt Romney (Alpine, 2021-12-17)


I'm a free being and I'd like to stay that way.

Jamie Caron (Brunswick, 2021-12-17)


I believe my wife, my daughter in law have suffered damage to their health caused by their being inoculated with the Pfizer vaccine.

Robert Hood (Yarmouth, 2021-12-17)


I am distraught at the criminal acts these “experts” and elitists are perpetrating against humanity, particularly pregnant women and CHILDREN! They were unsuccessful at population control with planned parenthood, so they came up with a new idea.

Deborah Lebovic (Toronto , 2021-12-17)


Humans have been coerced into participating in an inhumane covid medical trial that is causing injury and death. These victims are denied acknowledgement when they pass away, or treatment for their injuries when they survive but are disabled.

Angel Permaloff (Lindstrom, 2021-12-17)


Se me hace ilógico que estén usando una vacuna experimental como obligatoria y que además ya demostrado que no evita ni el contagio ni contagiar y que además produce efectos adversos que tristemente ya lo veo en mi familia (trombocitopenia, pancitopenia) y nadie ni farmacéuticas ni gobiernos firman una responsiva por la aplicación masiva de estos experimentos! Peor que en épocas Nazis.

Rocio Perez Soto (Veracruz, 2021-12-17)


I want all of the people hurting other people go to jail

Valeria Maldonado (Aguascalientes , 2021-12-17)


I believe that there is something very dark and Evil going on in the USA and the world and it needs to be exposed and people need to be held responsibile for all the 800 ooo deaths and more !!!

Steven Sotiriadis (Vienna, 2021-12-17)


This is genocide and they should all be publicly hung.

Mishawn Audrain (Wichita, 2021-12-17)


Just as the world does not need antibiotic resistant bacteria, the world does not need vaccine resistant viruses. It is unethical and unacceptable for companies and governments to threaten our lives with their misguided, narcissistic projects. It is unethical and unacceptable for companies and governments to mandate, that is, dictate solutions that further isolate, impoverish, sicken and kill us and assault our communities. Such irresponsible behaviour from our debased authorities is the epitome of heartlessness and corruption. It is evil incarnate. May it end here.

Clarke Hamel (Ottawa, 2021-12-17)


I would like to see some justice in the world!

Bronwyn Kerr (Blenheim, 2021-12-17)


I’m signing because I believe the lives of many are being put in danger by these vaccines and many have not been given alternative options for treating covid when there isn’t a proof they work. Fauci should be held accountable for conducting gain of function experiments which created this pathogen and killed many people worldwide.

Ann Billings (Yarmouth, 2021-12-17)


It is unlawful and criminal what Goverments and Doctors are doing to people all around the world.

Nicola Porter (Blenheim, 2021-12-17)


I have followed the path of the destructive claims made by unqualified, uneducated officials and it is pure insanity! These claims are actually Crimes Against Humanity!

Solveig Warren (Wareham, 2021-12-17)


I can't imagine who could plan this and put it in to the life. Exercise use of experimental drug on population of the world to modify human genecode and to participate many people by creating a scene of fear and illusion that by taking a drug could resolve the problem of covid 19 pandemic. The Nuremberg code has been broken and this is a crime for that matter I personally think that people responsible for it should pay their price for it.

Luc Ludkiewicz (Montfoort , 2021-12-17)


What you are doing (experimental vaccine mandate), is criminal. Just plain wrong, and in no way serves the health and well being of any man, woman, or child; and you all need to be held accountable for your actions.

Nelly Feist (Duncan BC, 2021-12-17)


My 59 year old cousin with no health issues apart from amental health issue died from a bloodclot to his lungs 15 days after his 1st pfizer jab.

Sharlayne Gillette (Auckland, 2021-12-17)


Evidence of crimes against humanity, as presented here, requires thorough investigation at the highest level, and perpetrators must be brought to speedy justice.

Roger Arendse (Cape Town, 2021-12-17)


El gobierno de Argentina y los gobiernos provinciales del país están cometiendo crimenes de lesa humanidad. Están coaccionando a los ciudadanos para que se inoculen los experimentos mal llamados vacunas. Ya hay muchas personas con daños severos y muertos. El sistema sanitario y los medios masivos de comunicación son cómplices de esto. Urge que la CPI accione concretamente para detener estos crimenes y no sea cómplice de este genocidio. Será justicia.

Sandra Mabel Malla (Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, 2021-12-17)


People are dying the FDA is telling lies, people are suffering from bullbar palsy ( my father who had the flu vaccine for years. People have got chronic inflammatory demyelinating poly neuropathy (my brother)
6 months after the flu injection.
They don’t believe me when I say it’s the vaccines! Sports people are having heart attacks , children have myocarditis. 90 years olds have PE. They lie about bio weapons they lie about safety of covid vaccines.

Donna Beveridge (Melbourne , 2021-12-17)


This needs to stop

Malcolm Hazell (Uxbridge , 2021-12-17)


We need to have early treatments, prophilactic options and no mandated vaccinations which are genetic therapies that make the spread of Covid variants worse.

Mary Christenson (Readstown, 2021-12-17)


These crimes against humanity, including but not limited to mass vaccinations, lock downs, green passports, governments instilling fear via their behavioural insights team need to stop immediately.

Julie Heard (Yambol, 2021-12-17)


Crimes against humanity are being committed world over, its time for real and true justice of these murderess paedophiles in power.

Jules Clifton (LANDSBOROUGH, 2021-12-17)


It is clear to me that forcing medical procedures on peoples without consent and under false pretensions is against the Nuremberg Code of 1947. I hope we did not fight and win World War II in vain. Lets pray that the lives of millions that sacrificed themselves to protect humanity from grave danger will be honored, in keeping the Nuremberg Code alive and effective in preventing repetition of immeasurable evil.

Peter Krone (Holmestrand, 2021-12-17)


I want:
1. Real science to prevail.
2. Criminal politicians be responsible for their criminal actions.
Thank you!

Alina Novak (Toronto, 2021-12-17)


I am losing hope for my future and something needs to be done, urgently. I want to be able to live a fulfilling life, without excessive government interference, and I want to be able to expect the same for my children too.

Charlotte Seedhouse (Auckland, 2021-12-17)


This madnes has to end.

Janne Kivimäki (Nokia, 2021-12-17)


No more lies and harm.

Dan Lish (Hove, 2021-12-17)


The criminals need to be brought to justice and the truth needs to be heard

Kate Kirchmann (Montech, 2021-12-17)


The interviews of Dr Fleming who is the best at explaining this whole Covid and fraud mess we are in.

Donald O’Brien (Roanoke, 2021-12-17)


The world is currently under threat bid crimes against humanity and of losing our god given rights and freedoms of choice.
The mismanagement of this pandemic has caused far more harm than good from all avenues, lockdowns, masks, separation, segregation, discrimination, mandatory vaccination under threat of losing employment and freedoms.
This needs to end, we need democracy and rights restored and those responsible for this devastation to be held accountable for this gross over reach and atrocities that have occurred.

Lynette Cresnik (Sydney , 2021-12-17)


Because the so called Covid pandemic is based on total greed , corruption and control of the people of the world . More harm has been done to the public from the Covid measures (lock downs,masks ,vaccines etc.)than the virus has done .

Scott Cochrane (Tucson, 2021-12-17)


There are very specific persons who need to be held accountable for these crimes against humanity. We must not let history repeat itself

Donna Dreyer (Hillsborough, 2021-12-17)


These crimes need to end!

Robin Greenne (Mckinney, 2021-12-17)


This is necessary

Alberto Lopez-Alvarez (Birmingham , 2021-12-17)


Firmo porque a pesar de la información cientifica silenciada se esta inyectando a los niños un veneno sin que los tutores o padres conozcan las consecuencias de este acto en profundidad y porque las muertes provocadas por la vacuna y las restricciones son muchas mas que las provocadas por el virus (si es que existe...) y los que lo han orquestado lo SABEN perfectamente

alberto lorenzo jimenez (Santiago De Compostela, 2021-12-17)


After listening to all the interviews and seeing the graphs and pictures and learning about the danger to our health that awaits us sooner or later, I am sorry I took the two vaccinations and would like to warn everybody not to get vaccinated.

Jutta Fulford (Brockville, ON, 2021-12-17)


I am stunned that they have gotten away with it this far, and I want to see them held responsible for their criminal activity that has caused hundreds of thousands, if not millions, to needlessly die from lack of early treatment and suppressing vital information, as well as unleashing this destructive force upon the world. They must be held to account!

Kathleen Mahoney (Fredericksburg , 2021-12-17)


I do not consent to involuntarily being used as a human experiment. I’ve lost my job for standing behind my sincerely held beliefs as well.

Michelle Millikan-Wilkin (FISHERS, 2021-12-17)


I'm signing because its criminal for governments to trample our human rights and stifle our freedoms by forcing people to adhere to mandates and take an experimental drug. The 1947 Nuremberg Code, the 1964 Declaration of Helsinki
and the 1967 International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights ensured our protection against unethical measures and must be enforced to hold those responsible for these crimes against humanity.

RG Malone (LaHave, 2021-12-17)


My cousin's elderly wife is a concentration camp survivor, now in her late 80s. I fear what Red china is doing to religious minorities & dissidents. I also am strongly against forced vaccines.

Susan Button ( Albrightsville PA, 2021-12-17)


I could not get any answer from the French Government to my questions concerning the Covid data shown every day on TV. For instance we are told that most of infected hospitalized patients are non vaccinated vs vaccinated. My question was : where are accounted for partial vaccinated patients (1 or 2 doses only) ?
Sorry for my English, I am French.

Andre POURREYRON (SIBIRIL, 2021-12-17)


These crimes against humanity must stop and the perpetrators must be held accountable and punished.

Charlene Marsh (NASHVILLE, 2021-12-17)


These shots don’t work and is illegal to force people to use experimental drugs

Darla Briggs (Dundee , 2021-12-17)


This evil needs to be expised and those complicit punished

Carol miller miller (Marlborough, 2021-12-17)


They all need to go to prison I'm a Canadian and I stand free with everyone else is fighting for a rights tonight have my southern body harmed or my birth born rights taken away from me and my future from my family

Mary Anne Marlow (toronto , 2021-12-17)

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