Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



The coercive methods to make people believe their lives are in danger is disgusting & divisive

Debbie greenslade (Bury st Edmunds, 2021-12-15)


I'm signing this petition because I want true justice be done to those who harm and those who are harmed.

Alice Chan (Vancouver, 2021-12-15)


I am signing because these injections are not safe or effective. There is no informed consent because the ingredients are a secret and the adverse events and deaths have been hidden. There ARE safe and effective treatments for this illness.

Mary Victor (Shelton , 2021-12-15)



Sue Lind (Deception Bay , 2021-12-15)


I care about America

Mikala Testa (Jeannette, 2021-12-15)


It’s again my human rights to be vaccinated against my will.
This has never happened in before in the past,that people have been forced to be vaccinated and I found it suspicious.

Ivana Ivanicova (Ballymena , 2021-12-15)


An individual has the right to informed consent. This coercion is a crime against humanity.

Sherri Samelak (Frankfort, 2021-12-15)


This has to be exposed and stopped - and the perpetrators be brought to trial

Rory Spowers (San Joan de Labritja, 2021-12-16)


People are dying needlessly

Kathy Lamb (Ardmore, 2021-12-16)


Government tyranny and will not take the bioweapon ("vaccine") antidote.

Geoff Durham (Kaiwaka, 2021-12-16)


I'm signing because I'm fighting for my Human Rights against Mandates. My Body, My Choice when it comes to COVID 19 "vaccine"

Eva Benko (Mississauga, 2021-12-16)


I'm signing this to salvage the future of humanity.

Chandra Curry (Youngstown, 2021-12-16)


We must take on this fight in 2021-2022. We canot NOT allow these criminals to rule the world.. Thiis is the *last* fight. United we stand, We will never forget, We will NOT COMPLY!

Donald Backstrom (Salmon, Idaho, 2021-12-16)


i do not believe i should lose my rights to my freedom by not having this vaxed

Jen Ellis (Papamoa, 2021-12-16)


I am a covid survivor. I have pictures of what came out of my lungs. This is a bio weapon. And the vaccines are worse. I know many people getting horribly sick from the vaccines.

Matthew Shearer (Fredericksburg, PA, 2021-12-16)


This atrocity must be stopped and those responsible held accountable!

Vince Fenton (Salmon Arm, 2021-12-16)


They need to be held accountable for what they have done

Angie Blakemore (Gainesville, 2021-12-16)


I wish to protect my grandchildren and provide them with a future. All covid19 abusers need to held to account.

Donna Meyer (Henley Beach South, 2021-12-16)


I want to see and support a future humanity expanding the values of love, truth, freedom, beauty, creativity, self-determination and infinite consciousness. The current Covid Pandemic operation is maliciously working on the opposite agenda...

Jean Schiff (Sedona, 2021-12-16)


This has got to stop before the world's population is damaged beyond hope

John R. Sprague (Oro Valley, 2021-12-16)


My kids are counting on me to keep the country I love.

John Kristjanson (Aurora, 2021-12-16)


I'm signing this petition because those in leadership roles within several institutions have mislead and falsely portrayed covid vaccines as safe and necessary. Once the wuhan virus was determined not to be deadly, all stay at home orders should have halted. It was not necessary to carry any of these orders and mandates. It is clear that all of this has been to push a vaccines that are not vaccines, but gene therapies. These leaders need to be brought up on charges and prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

Denise Wharton-Morris (Alameda, 2021-12-16)


The coincidence of death and damage in my small body/mind practice so obviously reveal the yet untold facts of the treatments prescribed that the world deserves the truth and the safety of a trial for crimes against humanity that would end further abuse and create the umbrella of protection required to survive its existing damages.

Sheila Birdsall (Paw Paw, 2021-12-16)


There are serious concerns surrounding the gain of function research on coronaviruses, rushed vaccine deployment and enrolling the world in the third trial of the vaccines without full disclosure of risks.

Jon Sellers (Brooklyn Park, 2021-12-16)


The disruption of society perpetrated by those responsible for engineering Sars-CoV-2 and the attendant Covid infection, along with the rejection in many countries of effective early treatment, is nothing less than genocide. Such individuals have not had free reign on a global scale since the 1930-1940 era in Germany. They must be brought to justice, and, if possible, some semblance of "normal" civilization returned to our nations.

Peter White (Tucson, 2021-12-16)


Y 26 yr old daughter is being denied requested medication and requested emotional support. She is now in CCU coma induced and paralyzed on a ventilator at maxmum. Her prognosis is not good and Hospital continues to refuse giving Ivermectin even though nothing to lose and may save her. From broken-hearted mother and family in NC.

Bonny Cooper (Mooesboro, North Carolina, 2021-12-16)


I am signing this petition because I think that my life, relationships, friends, neighbours, acquaintances, family, society and country have been injured, impaired or ended due to the actions of those individuals identified in the submitted documents, and those individuals identified in the interrogatories, depositions and investigation of those so identified.

Stephen Ronald Fast (Hamilton, 2021-12-16)


I’m signing because the people deserve justice

David Peralta (San Antonio , 2021-12-16)


Those who perpetrated this atrocity must be help accountable and pay the price for this destruction.

Gail Contreras (Walnut Creek , 2021-12-16)


"The welfare of Humanity has always been the alibi of Tyrants"
- Christine Margarete Anderson

Musa Katende (Tokyo, 2021-12-16)


Because freedom is our birthright

Joan Boux (Calgary, 2021-12-16)


Our civil liberties and bodily autonomy have been and are being violated and taken away by the conspirators and perpetrators behind the bio-warfare also known as Covid-19. Through manipulation, lies, misinformation, threats, coercion, silencing, firing, censoring, destroying small businesses, injuring and killing people, the perpetrators (governments, big pharma, the vaccine cartel, the "health" industrial complex, big tech, big media, Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates et al.) have made billions of dollars in their quest to obtain global control and power. These people and organizations have committed crimes against humanity and MUST be held accountable and punished to the extent of but not limited to The 1947 Nuremberg Code, The 1964 Declaration of Helsinki, The 1967 International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and The 1975 Biological Weapons Convention Treaty.

Marisa Herrera (Duncan, 2021-12-16)


I'm signing this petition because the insanity of people in power must be checked.

Lisa Boisvert (Bellingham, 2021-12-16)


Crimes against humanity have been and continue to be committed by people around the world who are forcing an experimental gene therapy on millions of people without informed consent.

James Brewster (Camas, 2021-12-16)


Those anti-scientific AND anti-human mass murderer have to take responsibility!

Abend Länder (Berlin, 2021-12-16)


I am signing this because I know others who have been directly harmed by Covid19 and others who have been harmed by the vaccines and yet others harmed by the vaccine shed. Not to mention the violations of our inalienable rights as citizens of the United States and this planet.

Cynthia Cannedy (Roseville, 2021-12-16)


Our rights and freedoms are being violated and I believe in my right to choose. I wish to protect the youth and elderly and those who have been bullied and forced into taking this vaccine for fear of losing their jobs and being unable to provide for their families and those too scared to speak out

Bess-Serena Ringham (Bonogin, Gold Coast, 2021-12-16)


As a result of the pandemic, many crimes against humanity have been committed, from segregation and marginalisation of people based on their health choices and belief and lying about the possible side effects of a medical treatment, forcing it on people.

Vera Duse (Brighton, 2021-12-16)


résistance... la gente come noi non molla mai !

Buy JPRM (Mons, 2021-12-16)


Mária Žigraiová

Maria Žigraiová (Kysak, 2021-12-16)


crimes to humanity require justice to be made and exposed



nesouhlasím s absurdními restrikcemi a nátlakem na očkování proti Covidu-19; toto vše rozděluje společnost a nastoluje totalitní režim

Lenka Frolíková (Dolní Město, 2021-12-16)


These vaccines are bioweapons against humanity and a form of coercion that goes against every human right and civil liberty.

Fiona Tassoni Tassoni (Elwood, Melbourne, Australia, 2021-12-16)


For evil to flourish it takes good men to remain silent. I will not be silent. I will be free to dissent, I will not accept these crimes going on, so I sign to join in support with all free thinking people. I sign because I am listening to my heart. My heart says it is time to stand up for change. No more. I sign because I see a better world. We are not going to ever get there following mandates, so I do not consent,

William Bonne (Wellington, 2021-12-16)


Crimes against humanity resulting in the tremendous death and injury caused by the COVID-19 pandemic must be investigated, prosecuted and punished. I sign as the descendant of Holocaust survivors.

Jeffrey Au Green (Longmont, CO, 2021-12-16)


you just have to stand up and be counted when you see terrible things happening.

vicki sandeman (adelaide, 2021-12-16)


Evil, Inc. has reined far too long and humanity will not survive if it continues to slaughter Mother Earth and everything that's breathes who depend on her

Adam Coleman (Springfield, 2021-12-16)


I'm appalled and outraged at the negligence of these medical corporations and the government officials that are colluding with them. They are knowingly harming mass populations for no scientific reason.

Chase Younker (Portland, 2021-12-16)


Justice must be sought and truth has to prevail. Informed people without agenda bias.

Kate Peters (Milton Keynes, 2021-12-16)


I’m signing because I believe that something needs to be done about this unnecessary experimentation on the worlds population. Those responsible needs to be held accountable

Steward Bridgens (Melbourne, 2021-12-16)


Because I believe that there has been a gross injustice that has taken place and I believe that government around the world are complicate in crimes against humanity

Jernin Yates-Round (Yeronga, 2021-12-16)


Je suis d'accord avec le procédure

Brigger-Veres Gizella (Geneva, 2021-12-16)


I’m signing because Fauci, China, and the world health organization has lied to us for 18 months. They are more interested in big Pharma making profits than in treating sick people with common medication‘s. Shame on our country for blacklisting anyone that would want to practice medicine, especially when we have seen other results worldwide

Michael Ganobski (Parkton, 2021-12-16)


Nuremburg codes and human rights

Patrick Dobbs (Derry, 2021-12-16)


I’m signing this because it’s true and every person involved in this heinous crime that’s going to kill billions of people with this mRNA jab is unconscionable. They need to be stopped and pay for the damages they have caused, which means all assets frozen with them imprisoned waiting on their verdict to life or death.

Rhonda-Lee Schroeder (Mentor, 2021-12-16)


The plandemic is an absolute scandal.



I’m signing because I have reason to believe that SARS-Cov2 is a bio weapon and the “vaccines” that are being forced on a global scale are bio weapons too. I am a mother and I would like my children to grow up in the natural world, not the lab created one. Many questions need to be answered, much suppressed scientific and other information needs to be openly shared and considered, and actors responsible for wrongdoing need to be held accountable.

Cybele McGazi (Cincinnati, 2021-12-16)


❤️ I know that God is just & I want this evil to stop now, for the sake of my children & grandchildren & future generations❣️Thank-you, Jesus, that when we ask, you give us answers & actions to know how to stand for truth & fight & defeat the real enemy, Satan, who wants to kill & destroy❣️ Thank-you, God, for the brave people who continue to do your will & make a difference for your 🕊 Kingdom❣️Please bless their efforts & I pray that you would protect them from the evil one❣️

Joan Youngman (Davie, 2021-12-16)


Violated human rights!

Anna Telakowski (STANHOPE, 2021-12-16)


I want the crimes against humanity charged and tried

Renee LaPorte (Port Charlotte, 2021-12-16)


I am signing because so many humans are being used unjustly and criminally to forward abstract inorganic ideologies as if each one is not worth anything, when we know in each one lies a condensed form of the universe. This is wrong. It is abhorrent. It is a crime to the highest degree and the fact a petition is required to bring this forth is a sign of the empty pathetic cowardice of those supposed guardians of the human race. Absolutely disgusting. Nonetheless, we know all returns as it is put forth so I do hope that wave comes back in prior to one more innocent being violated and harmed.

Michelle Hamer (Collingwood , 2021-12-16)


I totally agree with this cause

Irene Mcaleavy (Glasgow, 2021-12-16)


I believe we have been lied to about the origins of the COVID-19 virus, the safety and efficacy of the mRNA gene therapy vaccines and the efficacy of public health protocols being mandated by governments around the world. It’s time for critical thinking people to stand up against this intentional tyranny.

Chris Allen (Asheville , 2021-12-16)


It is time to bring these crimes against humanity out in the open and stop further har

Bonnie Allen (Weaverville, 2021-12-16)


I don’t want anymore people injured or killed through this group of people who have committed these crimes against humanity.

Kathleen Orlando (Trail Creek, 2021-12-16)


I believe a crime has been committed against humanity

J. Michael Moore (Gilbert, 2021-12-16)


I’m singing because the truth will always prevail. Hallelujah!!

Lindsey Thomas (Danville, 2021-12-16)


Podpisujem, pretože mi záleží na zdraví mojich detí a vnúčat

Eva Vargová (Košice, 2021-12-16)


Please keep fighting. I think of the saying, "My ship is sinking but my guns are still firing." Their ship is sinking and the rats are starting to jump off.

Lauren Aho (Ely, 2021-12-16)


I'm signing because these evil murderers need to be held accountable, and this bullshit plandemic needs to stop.

Lori MacAuley (Austin, 2021-12-16)

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