Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



Betty Wolfe

Betty Wolfe (Marmaduke, 2021-12-05)


I wont freedom

Eva Grahor (Dolnji Zemon 2, 2021-12-05)


Souhlasím se stíháním osob odpovědných za zločiny proti lidskosti, za genocídu a apartheid,
uplatňované na slušných, poctivých a zdravých lidech,
vynucované povinným nošením škodlivých respirátorů,
zcela nespolehlivým testováním
a očkováním experimentální injekcí (prý proti covidu) se zhoubnými a smrt způsobujícími účinky !!!

Stanislav VACULÍK (KOLÍN II, 2021-12-05)


The crimes against humanity need to stop now. Those responsible need to be held to account and punished now!

John Rose (Adelaide, 2021-12-05)


Humanity is under atacked !

Laurentius Raul Rotariu (Reșița, 2021-12-05)


I believe a crime against humanity is taking place with coercion and forced “vaccination” with experimental gene therapy treatments. These treatments contain no long term safety data.

Jessica Downie (Mungindi, 2021-12-05)


The Globalist Van Guard group has to be brought to justice. Many of the government leaders are making money from the vaccines. It is illegal. Justin Trudeau is guilty under crown law of Racketeering, coercion. Because he openly stated in the media that the vaccine was the only path out of tge pandemic. And he is making money from it. That is giult under crown law.. prima facia case.. please take him to trial at The Hague and hang him at tge gallows..he is a diabolical monster...

Bruce Wilkinson (Hamilton, 2021-12-05)


These crimes against humanity will not stand.

Katryna Rael (Richmond , 2021-12-05)


I'm signing as I am outraged as to the global level of crimes against humanity and cannot believe this is happening again.

Karlene Lucas (Mount Perry, 2021-12-05)


The covid shots are maiming and killing people. The shots are doing genocide, there is no doubt. This slaughter must stop and the guilty brought to justice.

Dean Mindock (Collinsville, 2021-12-05)


People are dying. People are also suffering catastrophic injuries due to the COVID-19 vaccine. Stop the madness. The science shows that the vaccine is harming the world’s population. Please investigate this matter and hold wrongdoers accountable for these crimes against humanity!!!!

Kamilah Taylor (San Francisco , 2021-12-05)


The New Zealand government is out of control passing Bills without allowing public submissions and the citizens of this country are being adversely injured and dying unnecessarily from a bio weapon brought into the country disguised as an experimental vaccine. Mandates are being forced on the citizens and our rights trampled on by this rogue government. Please stop this now before it’s too late.

Cherie Wells (Whangarei , 2021-12-05)


We know the pcr tests are inaccurate and yet they still use them. We know the masks are ineffective. We know the death counts were inaccurate. We know numerous people have suffered injuries and/or death after the covid vaccine. We know this must

Sandra Crochetiere (Springfield , 2021-12-06)


Because of the government’s insidious ‘vaccine mandates’ being imposed on the Australian people ‘for our safety’, I have been without employment and an income since 17th September 2021 and then officially terminated on 25th October 2021. It is becoming increasingly difficult to find any form of employment, as everyone ‘must’ comply and follow the ‘public health orders’ which appears to override any form of commonsense and Federal Laws. This medical apartheid is creating division and devastation across not only the Australian population but the entire world with lasting effects that will be felt for years to come especially if this global tyranny is left to remain on its current trajectory.

J Berry (3672, 2021-12-06)


I am signing because I genuinely love my fellow man and what they are doing with this drug forced on everyone is crimes against humanity they are hurting injuring and killing us I’m not scared of the virus I am scared of our government!!!!!!!! This is tyranny power grab against our God-given constitutional rights as American citizens I will not go quietly and I will not comply! Mandates do not equal law! Complete government overreach on an epic level! Nazi style show me your papers not going to comply!!!!!

Silas Brandner (Aberdeen , 2021-12-06)


We cannot sit back and do nothing it is our duty to stop these crimes against humanity and hold those responsible accountable

Jean Watson (Bedford, 2021-12-06)


I’m signing because I have witnessed crimes against humanity and have grave concerns about the state of this world.

Amanda Patterson (Evansville, 2021-12-06)


This all is so wrong.

Darren Webber (PortCampbell , 2021-12-06)


Sick and tired of corruption

Brandon Lund (ALBUQUERQUE, 2021-12-06)


I am signing this petition in support of the investigation and prosecution of those individuals responsible for crimes against humanity that are put forth in the documents attached to this petition. May God bless this petition.

John Paul (Ringwood , 2021-12-06)


Som za textu na ľuďoch

Alenka Bystrianska (Banska Bystrica, 2021-12-06)


To je třeba zastavit.

Ivan Doležal (Vrchlabí, 2021-12-06)


its time for all suffering to end

loren mortensen (CLARKSTON, 2021-12-06)


There is a great deal of evidence that crimes against humanity are being committed, and these crimes have been planned for decades. It is time to prosecute the criminals for treason, perjury, murder, and crimes against humanity.

Jennifer Titus (Sutton, AK 99674, 2021-12-06)


We are one!

Alen Furjanić (Kamanje, 2021-12-06)


Basta de insistir en una terapia genética que no sirve. Demasiadas vidas se han perdido.

Jorge Gonzalez (Queretaro , 2021-12-06)


It's time these guys were imprisoned, all their wealth stripped not given to their families. Christine Grady, Fauci's wife is also complicit as she as she heads the Ethics of the Covid vaccine. She's chief of the bioethics department of the NIH.

Georgina Czitan (Springwood, 2021-12-06)


I believe in freedom, and doing the right thing.

Anja Kristensen (Hammel, 2021-12-06)


Completely opposed to Covid vax

Dominique Grammont (Tournai , 2021-12-06)


I'm signing because the evidence is overwhelming for any honest person to see that all the covid vaccines are poisonous.

Christopher Mackey (Goodlands, 2021-12-06)


Je veux connaître la vérité sur les vaccins et je veux que l on respecte le libre choix des personnes en ce qui concerne les injections expérimentales et les tests expérimentaux en général.

Jean jacques Jordan (Bernes sur oise (95340), 2021-12-06)


I would like to see those people responsible for the institutional, Government And Medical murder and injury of free citizens throughout the world brought to justice.

Philip Mitchell (Tambellup, 2021-12-06)


The Criminal's need to pay for the Crimes Against Humanity !!

Denise Gurule (Pueblo West, 2021-12-06)



Kateřina Krestová (Paskov, 2021-12-06)


Since World War II following the Nuremberg Trials a Codex was established that no one ever again was to be coerced or otherwise forced to submit to any experiment and only "informed consent" would be applicable after all risks had been weighed - my body my decision.

William Craig (Lenggries, 2021-12-06)


I agree with the Petition

Jorge Alves (Phu Quoc, 2021-12-06)


People need to be brought to justice for what they have done, and all the illegal actions need to be stopped.

Julia Woodman (Dorking, 2021-12-06)


Im not a slave. Im a free human being.

Marjeta Bizaj (MEDVODE, 2021-12-06)


The world has been deeply affected negatively by the lies and sham perpetrated.

Lance Box (Darwin, 2021-12-06)


I want freedom for all People in the World, because I don't believe in Corona virus and I think this is a political and criminal virus!

Romana Pukšič (Barislovci, 2021-12-06)


There are criminals running our country and need to be made accountable for what they have did

George Netz (Monto, 2021-12-06)


I'm digging because the Pfizer jabb is 95% effective ... in it's own study the placebo group showed 99% effective. Medical choice is my own. The virus has a death rate comporanoe to flu. The behavior of all political leaders is criminsl

Cindy Graceffo (Centereach, 2021-12-06)


I am convinced criminals with their crimes against humanity should not go unpunished.

Leonard Zang (Yaoundé , 2021-12-06)


Government over reach is evil. Natural immunity is far better than the experamental vaccines

Donald Bahn (York, PA 17402, USA, 2021-12-06)


parce qui se passe actuellement est odieux et ceux qui ont fait cela doivent répondre de leurs crimes

Monique Braidotti (St Lubin des Joncherets, 2021-12-06)


For the Truth to triumph. For humanity to be saved. 🙏

Belle Gojo (Quezon City, 2021-12-06)


I don't think that vaccines were ever necessary because the virus was never isolated. The vaccinations are killing more people than the sickness ever did. The vaccines were patented long before the disease was released. Something is dreadfully wrong and we (the people) need to be told the truth!!!!

Joyce Gasser (Selwyn, Roodepoort, 2021-12-06)


We were born the the God given right to our freedom and choice of His will - what is happening is NOT His Will

Robert Poverello (Johannesburg , 2021-12-06)


Because I have enough off this shit already

Ales Kološa (Murska Sobota , 2021-12-06)


What is being done to people in the name of science and health by the powers who are supposed to protect us is disgusting. This is a blatant attempt to bring the people to their knees and kill off or control us with big industry pulling the strings all the way and anyone who doesn’t comply is vilified and pushed into unlawful restrictions to coerce participation of a experimental injection

Emma Owen (Salford , 2021-12-06)

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