Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity



Te truthcan not be hidden

Rob Milne (Miami, 2021-12-04)


What is happening with mandates is horrific.

Susan Stiver (Tucson, 2021-12-04)


I am against genocide against humanity and against pharmaterror.

Gregor Pogorelec (Dolenja vas, 2021-12-04)


I believe those guilty of the wilful abuses of human rights in any form should be tried brought to justice.

David Young (Stranraer, 2021-12-05)


The world is in danger to loose freedom and people s rights! No science behind all medical things.

Korent Rajko (Kranj, 2021-12-05)


Ladislav Troha (Vrhnika, 2021-12-05)


Crimes against humanity must be prosecuted.

Anna Dysvik (Coombabah, 2021-12-05)


This is the most horrible crime against humanity that is being perpetrated, the number of permanent damage and untold death that is not being reported and the consistent denial of the damaging effects to children, young child bearing men/women and pregnant women.

Naomi J Fanto (Jos, 2021-12-05)


I'm signing because the rich people want to have us under control, they want to kill the older population and youngest. They want to slave us, our children, under pretense of deadly virus. They have to pay for what harm they are doing to all of us and they have to get, what they deserve!!!

Klavdija Šterk (Brusnice, 2021-12-05)


I am signing because I have not been given an honest, credible explanation of the cause of this alleged pandemic situation in the world, as well the need for the injection and other impositions on my freedom of thought, speech, and action. It is my view that an unprecedent fraud is being perpetrated in the name of public health and that a massive crime against humanity is underway. This must be stopped.

Jayantha Wickramasinghe (Auckland, 2021-12-05)


people worldwide are under attack by their own governments

angela watson (hudsons hope, 2021-12-05)


I'm a child of 2 Holocaust survivors and I am horrified with what is going on. How Dr Fauci is now the 21st century Dr Mengele. Bill Gates is Doctor Frankenstein without even graduating college let alone have a MD degree. As I have been told... What Hitler couldn't finish Dr Fauci, Bill Gates the NIH CDC FDA WHO and Pifzer will! And this will be the "Final Solution!" We must stop this madness!

Nina Friedman (West Palm Beach, 2021-12-05)


It is clear now, in the presence of overwhelming witness testimony and medical research papers, the implementation of the COVID responses including the use of all COVID “Vaccines” are a coordinated attack constituting genocide.

Bradley Tyler (Rockhampton , 2021-12-05)


Against Covid crime.

Marlenka Drevenšek (Celje, 2021-12-05)


This madness must stop! They forgot one thing people getting united again! And also in the name of Philippines I hope people there will wake up they still believe everything, the kids there getting vaccine to be able to go back to school and president call them heroes who get vaccine🤦‍♂️I couldn't travel for 2 years down to my love cause border of this fake covid is closed there so sick 😖 that is stealing our time! Hope government there will be also punished! As all who doing this, cut the snake head!

Denis Polanec (Maribor, 2021-12-05)


I’m signing because i want to support the petitioners in their quest to bring the people who have committed Crimes Against Humanity to justice.

Mitha Chambers (Mely, 2021-12-05)


Covid is a tool of the NWO and War Crimes are being perpentrated on mankind.

Brian Valentine (Siem Reap, 2021-12-05)


Because I believe all the Nuremberg code has been voilated

Jeanette Flittner (Koege, 2021-12-05)


Corona nonsense has to stop

Dominik Levačić (Ljubljana, 2021-12-05)


I demand truth, equality, freedom and liability.

Tatjana Janežič (Ljubljana, 2021-12-05)


I'm signing this becouse I do not agree with this act.

Janez Šubic (Kočevje , 2021-12-05)


Za zaustavitev norije

Silvo Smrekar (Lukovica, 2021-12-05)


It is clear to every reasonable inhabitant of the planet Earth that for almost 2 years now all of us, lovers of life, people and our planet, have been victims of the sick plans and ambitions of a certain group of our species. However, a group that has other, selfish interests and goals than those of humanity. Unfortunately, human society quickly forgets history and slowly learns from its mistakes. It is not right to go to extremes, but we can correct what happened in a civilized way, hoping that the group will realize and change its behavior. Let's hope, but also to act!

Viktor Ivanov (Sliven, 2021-12-05)


chcem spravodlivosť

Rudolf Kováčik (Banská Bystrica, 2021-12-05)


Plně souhlasím se stíháním osob odpovědných za zločiny proti lidskosti.

Pavel Borák (kopřivnice, 2021-12-05)


People need to be held accountable for the death and destruction this bio weapon has caused. People who developed it or financier or assisted as well as those that withheld life saving treatment.

Nancy Taylor-Babcock (Cheney, 2021-12-05)


I do no consent. No medical Apartheid!

Albie Allan (Brisbane, 2021-12-05)



Dušan vinter (Ormož, 2021-12-05)


I am a Registered Nurse in Newfoundland, Canada. I have lost 2 people close to me this year post-vaccination and because I am refusing the jab, I will be losing my job on December 17,2021. Because I am unvaccinated I am also not eligible for unemployment insurance. My friends/family are dead, my career is being taken away from me and I will have absolutely no way to support myself or my family...just 1 week before Christmas. You have completely ruined my life and detroyed countless others around the world. You should all be rounded up and each put on a. IV drip of mRNA spike protein poison.

Doug Barton (Flatrock, 2021-12-05)


Irrefutable evidence shows that the "covid" "pandemic" is a manufactured illusion. This includes but is not limited to evidence at,,,, and . etc.

Perry Mason (Norman, Oklahoma, 2021-12-05)


wont to stop this genosid

Silva Kebrič (Šentvid pri Stični , 2021-12-05)


For the children of the world

Roland Leger (Ottawa, 2021-12-05)


It is against human rights!

Ebru Gungor (Eindhoven, 2021-12-05)


I'm signing because i agree with this petition.

Libor Vyvlečka (Rohle, 78974, 2021-12-05)

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