Protect North Central Park from Major Development



Parks and green-space are minimal in Laredo. Plenty of other locations available for a museum.

(Laredo, 2017-11-17)



(Laredo, 2017-11-17)


I don’t think a museum belongs in a park.. The old Air Force base would be idea

(Laredo, 2017-11-17)


I live behind north central park.

(Laredo, 2017-11-18)


While a good idea, the museum should be placed elsewhere. Downtown perhaps. This would be a perfect project to start revitalizing the downtown area and give a jolt to tourism.

(Laredo, 2017-11-18)


I don’t want the park to be remodeled with a museum..

(Laredo, 2017-11-18)


A warehouse style building is not a dignified setting for our veterans. If you're going to do something do it right. Don't just take our money and expect to rip us off... Again

(Laredo, 2017-11-21)


We need more parks in Laredo. Stop taking away what we have! Nature has so many gifts for us each day, completely free!! All nature asks for in return is that we care for it and protect it. RESPECT IT! I fear for our children, the younger generations because nature is extremely important in everyone’s life. Whether you realize it or not, it’s the air that we breathe, the water we drink, etc.

(Laredo, 2017-11-21)


I'm signing because I feel like that is how it starts. First one building then another and when you least expect it the park won't be a park anymore.

(Laredo, 2017-11-21)


I agree our veterans deserve a structure that honors their service to our country. I disagree with the North Central Park location selected by the City of Laredo Council members.

(Laredo, 2017-11-21)


Protecting the natural streams and wildlife is important.

(Laredo, 2017-11-21)


I am signing because this NATURE park, although, large in size is just that a nature park. This is where I walk, bird and enjoy nature in the company of my family. The museum is a great idea but it needs its own space of military inportance, and having so many other sites available to them at the old Air Force base or Fort McIntosh areas which is better suited. Please consider. Thank you!

(LaredoTexas, 2017-11-21)


We need to instill love for our environment to present and future generations. Parks are like books.

(Laredo, 2017-11-21)


North Central Park should be preserved as it is.

(Laredo, 2017-11-21)


Laredo is so very much lacking in green spaces. And what little we have is being diminished even more. North Central Park was originally designed as a place to take in and enjoy the sights and sounds of nature. There are many vacant places in Laredo just sitting idle that would be much more feasible to construct a new building. Take a look at the old air force base, for example.

(Laredo, 2017-11-21)


lets put the museum somewhere else please not in our favorite park

(laredo, 2017-11-21)


Keep the park as it was meant to be! A place for us to play, exercise, and enjoy nature! The Veteran's Museum belongs at LCC!

(Laredo, 2017-11-21)


This park is a gem for birders. We love our veterans, and they need to be recognized and remembered in a more appropriate location.

(Corpus Christi, TX, 2017-11-21)


It is important to conserve north Central Park as is. Why build a museum there, when there is plenty of other places to do so! Places where there is nothing yet.

(Laredo, 2017-11-21)


1) The area proposed is in a wetland. Major development would disrupt the current ecosystem that provides habitat for wildlife that is enjoyed by park users.
2) There is very limited green space in Laredo. Let's move forward, not backward.
3) I fully support a veteran's museum, but not in the middle of a park.

(Laredo, 2017-11-21)


I think another location (i.e., LCC, old base) would be better. Thanks.

(Laredo, 2017-11-21)


The museum is best situated at the base by the
El Metro Park & Ride. Plenty of buildings already there that should be donated to the vets by the city.

(Laredo, 2017-11-21)


North Central Park is a Laredo hotspot on eBird and must be preserved as such.

(Rockport, 2017-11-21)


I dont agree with the location selected for the new Veterans museum.

(Laredo, 2017-11-21)


Although I respect the ones who served for our country, I really think that this museum isn’t perfect in a park. It shouldn’t be built on top of natural grounds. We did our best to keep North Central Park as it stands right now. We do not want to ruin such a beautiful environment already created by nature. We always put in our efforts into keeping it clean; why should we make more room for damage?

(Laredo, 2017-11-21)


The LCC opportunity seems to make a lot more sense.

(Laredo, 2017-11-21)


Green spaces should be protected at all costs. There are many abandoned buildings surrounded by concrete that can serve this purpose. Also, make the museum more centralized and plan for the arrival of school buses and for the organization of commemorative events. In North Central, these events would not only disrupt the flora and fauna but also the purpose of a quiet walk or a run which is the main attraction of the place.

(Laredo, 2017-11-22)


I love running at North Central Park. It's a beautiful park with plentiful animal life that needs to be protected. No museum on this land.

(Laredo, 2017-11-22)


I grew up going to that park and it should stay there. It gave me lots of joy and I’m sure it does for others.

(Moreno Valley, 2017-11-22)


Enough is enough !

(Laredo, 2017-11-22)


I'm signing this because those of us utilizing the park don't have enough parking as it is and they are going to have more traffic. Really! They are also going to do away with the beautiful nature we have there like the running water which is very tranquil as we walk/run through there. And the animals that live there will be forced to leave. We have a Veterans hospital already by the old airport so why no build there across the street from it. Another stupid idea the council will be making just adding more stupidity.

(Laredo, 2017-11-22)


I do not think that the north Central Park is an ideal place for the very much deserved museum for our veterans. This is not an ideal place . The NCP is in need of a REC and the museum should be done where the veterans are asking it to be it is for them so they should be heard .

(Laredo, 2017-11-22)


we love North Central Park

(Laredo, 2017-11-22)


Build it in a better location...our veterans deserve that and more...

(Laredo, 2017-11-22)


I'm signing because a memorial for what veteran's protected is more important than a memorial for veterans. If you're going to build a memorial for veterans anyway, then do it on a place that won't upset the landscape or habitat of the creatures that live here.

(Laredo, 2017-11-22)


North Central Park is natures gem and must not be destroyed. No warehouse, no tanks and building structures were ever the intent.

(Laredo, 2017-11-23)


My family and I love North Central Park just the way it is!

(Laredo, 2017-11-23)


Finally we get a descend beautiful park & to change its natural beauty is uncalled for. Laredo can finally show others we can have a great park too!

(Laredo, 2017-11-23)


Needs better location

(Laredo, 2017-11-25)


The right thing to do

(Laredo, 2017-11-25)


I use to ride a bike is beautiful I can hear the sound of nature instead of the sounds of the urban city

(Laredo, 2017-11-25)


We do not, repeat, DO NOT need a Veteran's museum in this rare green area. I am a Veteran twice over and I think if the Veterans pushing for this would pay half as much attention to the Korean and WWII vets living on SS only. they would leave a better legacy then a building just so they have their names on a plaque. Build it on Ft. McIntosh or Laredo Air Force Base. They are just as ancient as any museum and better suited.

(Laredo, 2017-11-25)


I think the museum should be built by or inside Fort McIntosh at LCC as it had been planned by the City a long time ago. It’s in historical downtown area, close to the other city museums and it already provides 24/7 security. And it’s going to save a lot of $$ for the tax payers.

(Laredo, 2017-11-26)


It's a good idea at a terrible location. Look around Laredo...vacant properties and worn-down districts could easily be demolished to fulfill this purpose.

(Laredo, 2017-11-26)


I'm signing because I go run at the park and enjoying the natural scenery and the tranquility it gives me. I also enjoy seeing the deers and the different types of birds.

(Laredo, 2017-11-26)


Laredo has very few GREEN spaces, adding more concrete and stone will limit this green space more! Why do people insist on destroying what few green we have! Use the abandoned buildings in historic downtown to accomplish this! I am not agains the museum, I am against the location. As is, this area is also traffice rich, adding this will only create more congestion in the area! Why is it hard for people to use their brains and use space already available versus destroying new they can say it is “new” !?

(Laredo, 2017-11-26)


I am opposed to the construction of a veteran’s museum at Noth Central Park.

(Laredo, 2017-11-26)


Keep the park as natural as possible. The veterans museum would be better if located close to the proximity of the veterans clinic. No brainer.

(Laredo, TX, 2017-11-26)


We need to keep the natural land at the park the way it is. Laredo needs to STOP destroying the natural wetlands in our area!!

(Laredo, 2017-11-26)


I want to preserve north Central Park.

(Laredo, 2017-11-26)


It's one of the only places that we can enjoy ad a family here in Laredo.

(Laredo, 2017-11-26)


As a veteran myself, I feel that a museum for military veterans deserves a location that is easily accessible to out of town visitors. NCP is too isolated and know more as a exercise venue. The museum should be located somewhere near IH35, Loop 20 or downtown area, high visibility.

(Laredo, 2017-11-27)


For my Laredo friends

(Corpus Christi, 2017-11-28)


I’m signing this petition because i believe in the preservation of habitats for the people who have good genuine times in that piece of land and of the animals who soon, cause of acts like this, won’t have a place to call home. Buildings like these are unnecessary!! We’re a healthy city with homes and places to eat and you shouldn’t build something because it was simply an idea that came up etc. Animals deserve their habitat like humans needs homes to survive.

(Laredo, 2017-11-28)


I’m signing this petition because we have a wonderful park that needs to preserve. Kids learn about nature with this park, and they also see animals. They’ll lose this opportunity if we build.

(Laredo, 2017-11-28)


The intent of green/open spaces in the land development code is not consistent with this type of development. This is also inconsistent with Laredo’s master plan.

(Laredo, 2017-11-29)


I'm against in building the veteran's museum at North Central Park in Laredo, Texas.

(Laredo, 2017-11-29)


Protect our environment and park.

(Laredo, 2017-11-30)


I’m signing because they don’t need to put one in our cities most beautiful park find somewhere else to do this

(Laredo, 2017-11-30)


We need to prevent our elected officials from selling out to big corporate interests groups that are waiting to get awarded the construction contract, which most likely will be a family members construction company.
The days of allowing our elected officials to line their pockets with the tax dollars from a community that has a large degree of economically disadvantaged residents must stop. It time to change our small town mindset and wake up to the reality that if our community wants to continue to lose future generations of from leave their home town to find places like Austin, San Antonio, etc that welcome and support green spaces.

(Laredo, 2017-12-01)


I've been going to North Central Park since it first opened back in 2011 and have always loved seeing all the families and people who partake in enhancing their health. I think it's a shame if this museum gets built at an area that fosters the healthy development of families in Laredo. Not to say that this museum isn't of significance, however I feel there are so many other areas where this museum can be built.

(Laredo, 2017-12-01)


Earth friendly

(Laredo, 2017-12-01)


Laredo's green spaces are precious and scarce. They should be absolutely protected from any sort of development. I 100% fully support a Veterans Museum that honors veterans of EVERY American war and conflict. However, I don't feel that it should be constructed in a location that will cause the destruction of natural habitat that is dearly needed by wildlife.

(Laredo, 2017-12-01)


I am signing because North Central Park is a wonderful place for families to relax and enjoy the outdoors. Tearing it up would be a disgrace. Everyone, including myself, who spend a lot of time there believe the Museum should be moved to another more convenient location.

(Laredo, 2017-12-02)


I’m signing because... I’m currently a neighbor of the central park, and I don’t want any contruction being done. Instead, we must support the park by making it more green and helping its animals not by shortening their habitad. No more buildings! More green life!

(Laredo, 2017-12-02)


I would like to preserve the the natural habitat and not have more added construction that will jeopardize the beauty of the park.

(Laredo, 2017-12-04)


We need to keep n c p intact!

(laredo, 2017-12-04)


Fort McIntosh is the most appropriate place for that museum.

(Laredo, 2017-12-04)


We continue to destroy land that provides home to these beautiful animals. What I love most about north central is the surrounding nature.

(Laredo, 2017-12-04)


I like the park and there’s nothing in Laredo

(Laredo, 2017-12-06)


I really believe that there is a more appropriate place for the veterans museum-Laredo Community College. The historic nature of Fort McIntosh and the hallowed grounds of veterans who died and are buried there to me would honor the past heroes as well as those who are living today. The chapel at the campus is beautiful and already has historical photos and other items that honor a very distinguished Laredoan and other veterans. I sincerely appreciate the many men and women who have served our country and believe that they deserve a place of honor. The North Central Park was established to enhance the quality of life in the area while preserving the terrain and its flora and trees. My family and I enjoy the park and really do not want to see it paved over or developed with buildings, etc. It is a park and thousands enjoy it. Let's put our money into preserving it and enhancing it and encourage the appropriate building of a veterans museum elsewhere.

(Laredo, 2017-12-19)