Removal of Onion export duty


The Honorable Minister of Commerce and Industry,
Government of India,
Udyog Bhawan,
New Delhi - 110011.

Subject: Petition for Removal of Export Duty on Onions

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am writing to you on behalf of numerous farmers, traders, and exporters who are significantly impacted by the imposition of export duty on onions. This policy, although introduced with the intention of stabilizing domestic prices and ensuring sufficient supply, has inadvertently caused several challenges that necessitate reconsideration.

Onions are a staple in Indian cuisine and a crucial cash crop for our farmers. The imposition of export duty has led to the following adverse effects:

1. Economic Hardship for Farmers: Farmers are facing reduced income as export restrictions have led to a surplus in the domestic market, driving prices down. Many farmers depend on the export market to earn a reasonable livelihood, and the current duty discourages international buyers, leading to decreased demand.

2. Reduced Competitiveness in the Global Market: Indian onions are renowned globally for their quality. However, the export duty makes our onions more expensive compared to those from other countries. This loss of competitiveness in the global market risks long-term relationships with international buyers and may permanently shift demand to other exporting countries.

3.Strain on Storage and Logistics: The domestic surplus resulting from reduced exports is causing significant strain on storage facilities. Onions are perishable goods, and inadequate storage solutions lead to substantial wastage, further harming farmers' incomes and contributing to food waste.

4.Impact on Related Industries: Several ancillary industries, including logistics, packaging, and transport, which thrive on the export market, are also facing economic distress due to decreased activity.

In light of these issues, we humbly request the Government of India to reconsider the imposition of export duty on onions. We believe that removing this duty will help restore balance to the market, provide much-needed relief to farmers, and strengthen India's position as a leading exporter of onions.

Furthermore, we suggest the implementation of a more flexible and dynamic export policy that can adapt to fluctuating domestic supply and demand conditions without adversely affecting the livelihood of our farmers and related industries.

We are confident that under your esteemed leadership, the government will take into account the concerns of all stakeholders and take steps to support the agricultural sector and its allied industries.

Thank you for your attention to this critical matter. We look forward to a favorable response.

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