Please Sign a Petition: Call for Accountability and Regulation of Bulldozer Use

Please Sign a Petition: Call for Accountability and Regulation of Bulldozer Use


Dear Respected Leaders,


I write to you today with a heavy heart, deeply concerned about the ongoing and rampant use of bulldozers (JCBs) in the demolition of homes belonging to the poor masses of India. This issue has persisted for a long time, and it is disheartening to note that except for a few voices, the majority of our political leaders have remained silent spectators.


In July 2020, the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways issued a communication advising states not to insist upon the registration or driving license requirements for road-building and rehabilitation equipment, including heavy earth-moving machinery. The ministry clarified that such machinery, including bulldozers, is not classified as motor vehicles under the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988.


While the intent behind this communication might have been to facilitate road construction and mining activities, the unintended consequence has been the unregulated and often abusive use of bulldozers in demolishing homes and livelihoods. The letter states:


"HEMM such as Dumpers, Payloaders, Shovels, Drill Master, Bulldozers, Motor Grader and Rock breakers are also categorized as 'OFF THE ROAD' operated and maintained within mine boundary under sole management, supervision and control of Mines Manager and never used outside mine boundary."


However, in practice, these machines are being used outside mine boundaries and in public spaces, often leading to the destruction of homes without proper legal procedures or safeguards. This unregulated use has far-reaching and devastating consequences for our most vulnerable citizens, leading to the displacement of families, loss of livelihood, and emotional trauma.


I urge you, as leaders and representatives of the people, to raise your voices and take immediate action to address this grave issue. Specifically, I call for the following measures to be implemented:


1. **Mandatory Registration:** All bulldozers should be registered under the Motor Vehicles Act. This will ensure accountability and allow for better regulation of their use.


2. **Driving License Requirement:** Operators of bulldozers should be required to have a valid driving license. This will help ensure that only trained and qualified individuals operate these powerful machines, reducing the risk of misuse and accidents.


3. **Larger Number Plates:** Bulldozers should be fitted with larger number plates for easy identification. This will aid in monitoring and tracking their use, ensuring that they are not employed in illegal or unauthorized demolitions.


4. **Clear Guidelines and Oversight:** Establish clear guidelines and oversight mechanisms for the use of bulldozers in demolition activities. Ensure that demolitions are carried out legally, ethically, and with due process, including prior notice and fair compensation to affected families.


Your proactive involvement and advocacy are crucial in safeguarding the rights and well-being of our fellow citizens. By implementing these measures, we can help protect the poor and vulnerable from unjust demolitions and uphold the rule of law in our country.


Let us work together to create a more just and equitable society, where every citizen, regardless of their socio-economic status, is treated with dignity and respect.




Mustafa Hussain  


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