Petition for the Saudi government to admit their responsibility for the death of the Czech Diplomat Petr Dubovec, and to compensate the mourning family accordingly

Your Excellency, Mr. Alrasheed,

Allow me to inform you that an experienced Czech diplomat, Petr Dubovec, died without basic internationally standardised rescue assistance a few kilometres from the Saudi capital Riyadh in February 2019. Instead of help, a commando team arrived at the scene, which then threw him into a body bag and his wife, Lenka Dubovcová, was told that "Allah took him".

For five years, the Saudi government have pretended that they made no mistake; for five years they have acted as if Petr Dubovec did not even exist. Lenka Dubovcová, with her protest camping in front of the Saudi embassy, is trying to get the Saudis to acknowledge their mistake, send her the police protocols from the day of the tragedy and to pay her and her family adequate compensation.

The Czech media has already taken notice of the whole situation, and we hope that they will also take notice abroad.

With my signature I approve and support the protest action of Lenka Dubovcová and it is my deepest hope that the Saudi government will start negotiations with the widow of Petr Dubovec as soon as possible.

Your Sincerely, 


To the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Mr Mr. Abdullah Muteb Alrasheed
Czech Republic


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