Petition for Gates to be Operational in El Prado Pod and Closed outside of Construction Hours (6pm-6am)

We have been told that the developer (The Lookout Group) will not start closing our gates for our security until the construction of all the homes in our pod is complete. We have already had burglaries in our pod that may have been prevented if we had our gates closed during that time. I am asking you to sign this petition and if we get all of our neighbors in El Prado to sign, maybe that will motivate the Developer to get our gates working now vs. waiting until the pod has finished building all the homes. We already have a large number of homeowners living in this pod and it is not fair that we all do not receive all the same benefits as the other smaller pods. The suggestion I am making for El Prado would be to at least have the Gates closed between the hours of 6pm-6am. That should still give the contractors and builders ample time to have open access to our pod. Then if they need to access outside of certain hours, the builders will have their own access codes they can share with their subs.

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