Lower the Legal Age for Non-Gear Two-Wheeler Licenses to 16

We, the undersigned, call upon the relevant authorities to lower the legal age for obtaining a non-gear two-wheeler license from 18 to 16. Allowing responsible teenagers to operate non-gear two-wheelers will provide them with increased mobility, independence, and access to education and employment opportunities.

Many countries and regions already permit 16-year-olds to ride non-gear two-wheelers safely and successfully. With proper training and regulations in place, this change can be implemented without compromising road safety. We believe that granting 16-year-olds the ability to legally ride non-gear two-wheelers will not only benefit them but also contribute positively to society.

We urge the authorities to consider our petition and take steps to amend the current regulations, ensuring that young people have the freedom to responsibly use non-gear two-Wheelers.

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