Petition for the August 1st Calendar

Quoted post


#549 Re: Re: Re: Re: This is not just to Erica, but everybody.

2011-03-02 00:48

#546: Tired of Complaints - Re: Re: Re: This is not just to Erica, but everybody. 

 ASP is not free, and neither is summer care/camp, they can also dismiss children when you fail to pay.  Everywhere I went there was a winter camp going on, the same places that had summer camps. 



#563 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: This is not just to Erica, but everybody.

2011-03-02 02:40:19

#549: Guest - Re: Re: Re: Re: This is not just to Erica, but everybody.

All daycares and summer camp programs have offered the same activities the weeks in September and February. There are always older children who are willing to make a little extra those weeks...THERE IS NO EXCUSE! My husband and I both work and we had no problem finding childcare. Would you like a list of what is available?


BTW....THROUGHT is not a word...spell check