Financial Support to complete my Graduation

Here's a heartfelt petition:

"To all kind-hearted individuals,

We urgently need your support for a bright and deserving student, Ananya Saxena. Tragedy has struck her family, amidst this unimaginable grief, Ananya's family is facing immense challenges in funding her college education.

Ananya's academic excellence and potential are undeniable, but the financial burden may force her to abandon her dreams. We cannot let this happen! Let us come together to help this talented young mind continue her education, honoring her mother's legacy.

Every contribution, big or small, will be a beacon of hope for Ananya's future. Your kindness and generosity will help her overcome this difficult time and secure her academic pursuits.

Join us in supporting Ananya Saxena's education. Let's make a difference in her life and keep her mother's memory alive.

Help us to collect fees of 1st and 2nd year fees for Sharda University. She's has decided to purse BJMC honours and the duration is 4 years.

Thank you for your compassion and support.


PLEASE FEEL FREE TO SHARE IF YOU CAN'T HELP 🙏🏼1620102833phpytgFpn.jpeg


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