Community Development Project for The Trough Reserve, Seaford Esplanade


We, the undersigned, petition the Onkaparinga Council to support this proposed community development project for the reserve to the north of the Trough Stairs, Seaford Esplanade, for a community space provided and funded by the community, under adherence to council’s standards, supervision and management.

We propose this area to have:

  1. Picnic tables and seating
  2. Appropriate shelter (roofing on the established gazebo or new build)
  3. Nature play space/play equipment appropriate for all ages
  4. The mobile vendor permit location relocated to adjacent the grassed area, away from the carpark to allow for greater safety and traffic flow for the community (See illustration below)

Community funding and project provision has been offered by the following:

  • Cardijn College Principal, Mr Steve Byrne, has kindly offered that Marcellin Technical College provide the construction of picnic tables (as seen at their Galilee Campus) and potentially a pergola situated next to the mobile vendor site. Mr Byrne has suggested incorporating the builds as part of the 2025 curriculum and has also expressed possible sponsorship of some of the project. 
  • Scott Reynolds, owner of Natural Style Building Co. which specialises in nature play spaces, outdoor timber furniture, pergolas and construction has kindly offered to donate their supplies and services towards the project.
  • Luke Upitis, the owner of Wood’N’Logs, Seaford, has kindly offered to donate sand and gravel for the mobile vendor driveway.
  • Bunnings Seaford have also kindly offered to donate timber toward the project.

Other donations for materials (eg concrete) and further funding will be sought as necessary (please contact us if this is you!). 

We support Onkaparinga Council’s Community Plan 2030, and believe this proposal will further support and enhance these goals, specifically “strong, vibrant communities”, and “supporting our communities to connect with the spaces and places they enjoy”.

We kindly request council be willing to work with its community, that all involved may have a sense of pride and ownership in the project as a whole, and further strengthen our local community, support networks and provide some much needed extra facilities for our growing region.

In good faith,

We, the undersigned.

Screenshot_2024-05-20_at_4.51_.54 PM_.png

*Artist's impression of the proposed Trough Reserve Development


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