Ban of Jehovah Witness in Hitacu

I get everyone has their own spiritual beliefs 100% respect that, BUT when that group repeatedly shows up at my (our) front doors and pushes their beliefs on us, still trying to get us to leave our cultual beliefs for theirs, that I do NOT support. Imagine if Indigneous people went to their front doors trying to convert them to our spiritual practices ? We would NEVER do that. If people are interested in their practices, I'm pretty sure they know where to find them and not have them still trying to brain wash us. 

With all the unmarked graves, bones still being dug up from that religion, I just dont' understand how they have the audacitiy to still be selling us sins? ! 


By signing this petetion that will go to leadershilp to make it official that this particular Jehovah group is not permitted into our village, that they are banned and no longer welcome to approach door to door. 

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