REJECT the Coastal Advisory Panel recommendations report and STOP the Coastal Adaptation Pathways process

Contact the author of the petition


2024-06-18 04:48:46

A massive thank you to everyone who signed and shared.   The petition has now gone to the Chief Executive of KCDC to be tabled at the Council meeting this Thursday 20th June commencing at 1.00pm. 

Our total online signatures came to 419 and we also gathered another 468 paper copy signatures over the last month so a total of 887 signatures have been sent.

Kapiti CALM along with representatives of other groups such as Coastal Ratepayers United, independant organisations and concerned residents will be attending and speaking at the Council meeting on Thursday.  Members of the public are able to attend and we are encouraging a good turnout.   We will also be having a peaceful protest outside Council starting at 12.30pm.

If you would like to be updated on progress of the petition and general Kapiti CALM updates please email us at or check our website 


Kapiti C.A.L.M. (Calm Alarmist Law Madness)

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