Unfair dismissal of Rebecca Sariago from the Ballardong Aboriginal Corporation

This petition has been organised to support Rebecca Sariago for being unfairly stood down from her position in the Ballardong Aboriginal Corporation as the Executive Manager of Governance on the 2nd of May 2024.

In support of Rebecca Sariago, we are asking the Ballardong Noongars as one body for their full support. Our community has undoubtedly been let down by the CEO in this despicable act not just towards Rebecca, but also towards the Ballardong Noongar people as a corporate body.

Rebecca is a proud Ballardong Yorga who has put her all into this roll and is an asset to our BAC, she has done amazing work to bring it to where it is today. Her work ethic is unquestionable, her professionalism is undisputed, and Rebecca does over and above for her elders, her team, her Ballardong people and for the job she has been assigned to do. 

If you support Rebecca Sariago in retaining her position at the Ballardong Aboriginal Corporation and agree that what has taken place by the CEO is unfair? Please sign this petition in support of standing together and agreeing that Rebecca Sariago deservers her job back!!

Priscilla Moody - Ballardong Member    Contact the author of the petition

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