Residents Against Proposed Nicholas Drive Extension

This petition is comprised of residents of the Stonefield Estates and Meadowsweet Farms neighborhoods and other concerned citizens that would be impacted by the proposed Nicholas Drive Extension.  

We collectively oppose the Nicholas Drive Extension, and urge the City of Attleboro Planning Board to not allow this project to happen.

Nicholas Drive Extension is designed to provide access to land in Rehoboth which is currently not buildable due to lack of adequate street frontage as required by the town of Rehoboth.  The residents of Stonefield Estates and Meadowsweet Farms are aware that the proposed use of this property, as presented by Mr. Catenacci to the planning/zoning board of Rehoboth in February of 2020, consists of a 1296 sq ft home and a 6000 sq ft barn, which is meant to house up to 30 cows.  The Nicholas Drive Extension requesting approval is designed specifically to provide the required street frontage in order to develop this property in Rehoboth. 

Even though taxpayer dollars would be used to maintain the road, the extension does not benefit the residents of Attleboro in any way.  It is not a through street, nor does it provide any benefit of commerce for our city.  In fact, the approval of this project and the subsequent development will cause irreversible harm and financial loss to current residents and taxpayers, as well increased hazards and safety concerns for the local residents.

The Meadowsweet Farms and Stonefield Estates neighborhoods have been designed with a suburban aesthetic that provides appeal because of the nicely maintained yards and homes and the setback neighborhood layout that provides a safe environment for walking and playing children. The addition of a farm abutting our neighborhood would take away from that aesthetic due to the view, the smells, and the safety issues that it could present for the residents of our community. The list of concerns include impact to property values of homes, safety concerns regarding the type of traffic that would flow through a highly populated residential neighborhood for the maintenance of a farm, safety concerns about additional attraction of wildlife predators (specifically coyotes - of which we have already seen an increased occurrence of sightings within the inter portions of the neighborhood in recent years) to our neighborhood due to the additional food sources that the farm could appeal to them with.  These are only a handful of the concerns we collectively share. 

We ask that the Planning Board and the City of Attleboro recognize our concerns as Attleboro taxpayers and not approve Nicholas Drive extension.   

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