Requesting ATO to Approve Miaomiao Chinese School as a Deductible Gift Recipient

mmexport1638850561030.jpgSending our children to Miaomiao has provided immigrant families a way to pass on our language and culture to our children. Second generation children quickly lose any connection with their culture when brought up entirely with the western education system, which has led to identity crises in many millennial Chinese people. Through the work of Miaomiao and other similar Chinese language and culture schools, we are slowly stopping this trend in Gen Z, ensuring that we can continue our rich cultural history, even away from our ancestral country. In addition, it will help develop our rich multicultural community in Australia, something we should all be very proud of.

Miaomiao Chinese School has been operating as a non-profit community school since 1997. We have been experiencing ongoing financial struggles in recent times due to increased venue hiring costs. Many parents and family of our students are willing to make donations for the purchase of land and construction of classrooms to help Miaomiao become more sustainable as a cultural and language exchange for the future, as we would hope to see our children keep learning our language for many years to come.

Miaomiao cannot accept community donations until ATO grants Miaomaio with Deductible Gift Recipient status. 

So Please, Help Us and Help Our Children by signing this petition to request ATO's approval for Miaomiao as a Deductible Gift Recipient!

苗苗中文学校自 1997年成立以来,一直以一种非盈利的方式, 为我们移民家庭的孩子们提供着汉语语言教育和中华文化的传播。为澳大利亚发展和丰富多元文化社区的政策默默的做出贡献。 

近几年来,由于场地租用成本不断增加,我们一直在经历财务困境。许多学生的家长和 社会组织都愿意为苗苗捐款购买土地和建设教室来帮助苗苗, 希望苗苗这所作为文化传播 和语言教育的学校能够持续下去, 我们希望未来的生活在布里斯班的华裔孩子们能够继续 学习汉语语言和文化。  

由于ATO去年拒绝了苗苗成为慈善捐款接收人身份的申请,我们目前无法接受社区捐赠。 我们真诚的恳请您的支持,通过签署这份请愿书来帮助苗苗, 帮助我们的孩子们, 请求ATO重新审批并通过苗苗作为慈善捐款接收人的申请!

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