Ask President George Weah to Declare a National Emergency on rape/SGBV in Liberia

The United Nations has told us the power of girls in Africa cannot be experienced if there is a neglect of their human rights. Numerous conferences on girls and studies have shown that the empowerment of girls comes with immense benefits. Yet in Liberia, the human rights of girls and women are infringed upon daily. The 1986 Liberian Constitutionlists human rights that are being violated by sexual violance, including the right to security of person and equality before the law and equal protection of the law.

The Liberian 2011 Children's Law mandattes the Ministry of Health to share the responsibility for protecting children in rape and other abuse cases. Although Liberia has adopted several national policies to alleviate rape and sexual Gender Based Violence (SGBV), sadly only a small percentage of these cases go to court.  Reporting rape is very low and perpetrators get away with impunity. In fact, many rape victims are pressured into settling their cases outside of court and the perpetrators paysoff the victim or family of the victim.

There are also reported cases of gang rapes being used as punishment for women who are accused of breaking the law in their village. For girls living in rural Liberia, the problems are many becausefamilies dont have money for transportation to get to remote police depots. Police officers also lack transportation to get to remote areas where the perpetrator is in hiding. These financial constraints are discouraging and many times victims do not report the crime.

Reports coming from Liberia say 5 girls are raped a day in Monrovia alone.  It seems as if rape of girls is a sport in Liberia, and this petition is asking President George Weah to declare a state of national emergency on rape and SGBV against girls. We are requesting that the President puts in place the recommendations of the Unitred Nations 2016 report on rape in Liberia and implement Liberia's human rights obligations with regard to rape and SGBV.


Vickie Ward, The Victor E. Ward Educationa Fund    Contact the author of the petition

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